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Thread: Is there a tutorial or manual that explains every button in the editor?

  1. #1

    Default Is there a tutorial or manual that explains every button in the editor?


    Yes, I've gone through the Tutorials, but it would be nice to have a simple one sheet manual that gives a short explanation of every part of the editor interface. I don't know for example what the slash next to N.C. means, etc.

    Does such a thing exist yet?


  2. #2


    You are right, there is a learning curve...

    This thread is helpful:

    I use the slash to continue the chord from the precedeing measure and delay the next change.
    |C |//F |C |
    Instead of writing:
    |C |C F |C |
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 12-05-2014 at 12:32 PM.

  3. #3


    Ah, thanks for the slash explanation.

    I have worked as a teacher for a while and know that different people think and learn in different ways. I tend to learn best if I have a visual of something, and I know I'm not the only one. So I'd really like to see the button layout and some explanatory text added to the tutorials or to a manual somewhere.

    That's been the most frustrating part about this otherwise great program - not all information is in the tutorial, and the best ways of handling certain things are in some cases scattered throughout the forum.

    If I hadn't searched for how to repeat x times and found an answer, I still wouldn't know that the player recognizes a plain text entry of "4x" for that purpose - that was not in the tutorial.

    So a visual representation of every screen element with the explanations next to them would really help new users, IMHO.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by semmelbroesel View Post
    ... but it would be nice to have a simple one sheet manual that gives a short explanation of every part of the editor interface.
    This might be helpful.

  5. #5


    Thanks, I had found that one earlier, too, but it doesn't have the visual aspect that I'd find helpful.


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