Thanks again, much appreciated.

Mac OSX Mavericks latest update, Macbook pro mid 2012. Safari browser.

Keychain suggests the password for me, and it usually remembers the page, but as i say, this forum logs it as FaceTime. I wonder if anyone else here uses keychain, and could let us know what it is logged as. I have since managed to change my password, to a manual keyword, and it seems to work fine now.

To recreate the situation is difficult, but I'm sure i was editing the chords to a downloaded tune "All Of Me" changing the Cmaj7s to Cs, then experimented with creating a playlist and songs to it by dragging. Perhaps I dragged a song that was playing at the time? The music stopped and the playlists disappeared. The 1200 or so songs remained.

I recreated the playlists by redownloading them, and that organised them back into lists again.

What i will do now is create a few charts that i will be using for my gig, and take it from there. Im jamming along to the exercises today and its all working as it should.

(Now I am logged in, and yet I can't reply - I get an error message that says i don't have permission, please refresh the page and try again! So i need to copy this message and paste it!)