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Thread: S & N over chords (small/normal chord-font)

  1. #1

    Default S & N over chords (small/normal chord-font)

    I've only just started really delving into this. While editing a chart I saw S & N over some chords but not while playing the chart. I tried to search the forums and I'm sure the answer is here but can't find it. I haven't been able to figure out what it actually does to the music. I think I've discovered how to put my own S's & N's over chords but what is it and why would I want to do it?

  2. #2


    By using S and N in the editor (small/normal) chords can be made more readable in crowded measures. Remember, each N or S applies to all subsequent chords in the chart. When you use S to make a couple of adjacent chords fit better, please use N on the next chord to reset the rest of the chart.

    Because many users have small-screen devices, it's always best to use the small chord-font only when neccessary for readability.


    These posts are informative:



    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 12-02-2019 at 03:58 PM.

  3. #3

    Default Thanks

    Aha yes I have made some charts that are quite ugly because they have chord changes on beat 4. This will make them prettier. Thanks! I'll share them all with the world when I have completely mastered this editor!!

    Quote Originally Posted by pdxdjazz View Post
    By using S and N in the editor (small/normal) chords can be made more readable in crowded measures. Remember, each N or S applies to all subsequent chords in the chart. When you use S to make a couple of adjacent chords fit better, please use N on the next chord to reset the rest of the chart.

    These posts are informative:




  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    Hello there..
    Thanx for those informations, I also was wondering what those S N were for..
    Thanx again..
    And have great days..


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