Hi, can you tell me why we have to buy the app one more time as irealbook owners. Ios version did not require you to buy it again as you know. If you are gonna say because of the new features I think it is a bit unfair for the people who already purchased irealbook before. You could extract the amount we have payed before from the update or refund us for the old version we have ... It is not about the amount of the money , it is about the ethics you know... we were waiting this long for an update and you give us as a new app and want us to pay the full price is a bit harsh ... And one more thing in the market app is seen as incompatible with Samsung Galaxy S i9000 . What is the difference of i9000t and ours who have this device in Europe???
I hope my message does not sound arrogant to you . Just trying to make a point...