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Thread: Feature requests

  1. #331
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by rjschmitt View Post
    How about a keyboard shortcut to insert the repeat sign similar to the way the shortcut for inserting a bar line works. This lets us touch typists enter chords fast. Also it would be nice if the arrow keys would let us move over the arrangement rather than a lot of mouse work.
    In Song edit, if you hover the mouse over the symbols, you can see the key commands (although not all have them.)
    For repeats, command-r for left repeat, add shift for right repeat.
    Once you have entered the chord symbol and pressed Return, you should be able to use the arrows to move to another location (I have not been able to test this on all Mac OSs).

  2. #332
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    I'd like to have all songs and playlist synchronisation via iCloud and/or Dropbox!

  3. #333
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by rjschmitt View Post
    How about a big fat "Play" button so we could start the song easily. (This would have to be an option as it would take up a lot of screen real-estate. But it would be handy on a gig where you play a slow introduction on a keyboard and then start the song up.)
    Although it is an additional cost, what about an Airturn foot pedal or their Digit (hand) models? If you are playing keyboard, activating by foot might be a useful option?
    iReal Pro supports Airturn (via bluetooth)

  4. #334
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by nimbleswitch View Post
    I am aware that D.C. means to return to the top of the piece, but I'm not buying that that includes the Intro. Can you name a piece that is arranged that way? Even one?
    D.S. doesn't solve my problem because I'm already using it at another place in my arrangements and I can't make it work twice in the same piece.
    Honestly, if you can think of a tune arrangement that D.C.s back to include the Intro, I'd like to hear it. Assuming you want to put an Intro at the top of your piece where it belongs, the D.C. feature as it presently stands is useless.
    Thanks Jack for your thoughts on this.
    Obviously depending on the arrangement someone wants to create, they might want to go back to the intro, perhaps as a small instrumental.
    I do know what you mean though, not normal to have the intro elsewhere.
    But I was thinking about songs like 'Wichita Lineman' or 'If these walls could speak' (Jimmy Webb songs) where the intro is (or could be) used as a kind of small bridge (or vice versa). Although not in this way you describe, the intro to 'Just the way you are' is used within the song also.

    The other thing we would have to consider is if we would confuse everyone by effectively re-defining a D.C.'s meaning by having it ignore the 'back to the beginning' if there is an introduction. This would mean those who would want to do this would need to use the Segno at the introduction (because if they tried the D.C., it would not work.)

    What you might be asking for is a double segno symbol? (D.S.S.) I have not seen it much, just a few times in some orchestral pieces (parts) but I think to make it clear what is required, they organise the layout so sections are written out rather than potentially causing confusion (especially at first reading) as to where to jump back to. (But then space is not much of a limitation as we have in iReal Pro.)
    For the moment, you will have to write out one section of the chart again to eliminate one of the Segnos that you wish to use.

  5. #335


    It could be useful if iOS devices could auto-configure a back-up suitable for direct import to android devices.
    (+/- 300 song blocks)
    I prefer to use my iPad as my "master" device and would like to easily transfer all my edits/current charts to my android phone. I already do that with gig playlists, one at a time, before each gig just in case the magic smoke leaks out of my iPad. It would be very helpful to be able to easily sync my phone from my iPad using a properly configured backup.

  6. #336
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by pdxdjazz View Post
    It could be useful if iOS devices could auto-configure a back-up suitable for direct import to android devices.
    (+/- 300 song blocks)
    Thanks Bob, yes I think this is on a list (somewhere). The problem would be if it is separated, more taps would presumably be required to import all songs (then each playlist). For someone with iOS, this would be annoying, whereas now they have one tap for all songs. Or the idea of two exports from iOS - one for android, the other for iOS (or Mac) which could be done.
    Or we could just work on sync (it is on a list, we have to solve all the complexities of this).
    Thanks for your support!

  7. #337
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Thanks, dflat.

    You know, what would really be useful is a Da Capo command that would let you specify the measure to which to return. You could number the measures from the very top of the iReal Pro chart, whether there's an intro or not, and the measure-specifiable D.C. command would meet everyone's needs. There is precedence for this in software: For example, Finale 2012 music notation software—which I also use—lets you designate the measure to which a D.C. command returns during playback. Just something to consider.

    Great app; great board.

  8. #338


    Quote Originally Posted by dflat View Post
    ...Or we could just work on sync (it is on a list, we have to solve all the complexities of this)...
    Woo Hoo!! A Sync button would be insanely great! Happy to know it's on a list. In the meantime, just to let folks know, I'm using two free app's to avoid the email transfer ordeal: DiskAid OSX on my iMac in conjunction with FileApp iOS on my iPod Touch. It only works one way (Mac to iPod) and still requires several steps even via USB, but it does work. And I don't have to worry about WiFi connections, email delays, etc.
    There's two kinds of mistakes you can play: The ones you notice, and the ones somebody else might notice.

  9. #339
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Chords for ukulele please please please

  10. #340
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Lynda View Post
    Chords for ukulele please please please
    It's really nice to see this request, Lynda! Very nostalgic and logical, too, since in the Tin Pan Alley days sheet music often contained ukulele chords—a good long while before guitar chords on sheet music became available. Makes me want to dust off the Martin baritone my folks gave me for high school graduation, uh . . . a while back. Sure, ukulele chords would be really nice, and I would think they would be a snap to include since guitar chords have already been worked out. I'll gladly second this request for ukulele chords.

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