If the purchase goes with the logged in iTunes user, then I am having difficulty figuring out how to port my purchased extra rhythms, songs with MY chosen keys to other devices. Ie I started out on my husbands iPad, then added iReal B to my iphone, lost my iphone and replaced it, and my husband got me my own iPad. I cannot find easily way to import my "profile", settings, purchased rhythms etc. now I am a mess with some things on different devices. Advice is if there is a way to do this, make it easier.

Also, make it easier to get to the password reset link pls.

Would love option to size chords fsmaller, add ledger lines so I can write in my solos or anchor passages of a tune for a band accompanying me who does not know it they can find each other if lost, give me first notes, I remember I come in on the pick up etc

Keep up the GREAT work!