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Thread: Using bar-repeat signs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Using bar-repeat signs

    I just posted Orillia Del Mar chart to sandbox. This chart plays okay on one tablet with v6.0.4 but on new tablets with v6.1.0 it won't work. Error message reports problem with measure 17 (with CM 9 and A minor 7). Why.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by ericvv View Post
    I just posted Orillia Del Mar chart to sandbox. This chart plays okay on one tablet with v6.0.4 but on new tablets with v6.1.0 it won't work. Error message reports problem with measure 17 (with CM 9 and A minor 7). Why.
    Perhaps it's your intention to incorrectly use the double-bar repeat signs in the preceding measures.
    You could correctly use one double-bar repeat sign ON THE BAR LINE between the two repeating measures OR you could instead use a single-bar repeat sign inside each of the two repeating measures.
    It's best to use a template and make measures the same length when possible.
    Chords should be entered on the first space in a measure. If they are to start later in the measure, enter a slash (/) on each beat where the chord from the preceding measure is to be continued.

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    Note: my version is 6.0.1 and your chart plays as is for me without an error message.
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 10-30-2015 at 03:09 AM.


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