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Thread: iPad app is crashing

  1. #1

    Default iPad app is crashing

    I love this app and was very excited to begin using it. I had not trouble for the first few hours. I downloaded a few songs from the forums as a guest, then installed the editor on my Mac and created a lead sheet of one of my songs and uploaded that. Shortly afterwards the app began to crash. The first time it just hung, then repeated crashes immediately on start up. I uninstalled lost all of the songs I had loaded and created. Then reinstalled. That worked for a while. But when I re-imported my song and a few from the forum. It started crashing again. Can you help? I love the app but it's no good to me if it won't launch. Thanks.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by realtimeband View Post
    I love this app and was very excited to begin using it. I had not trouble for the first few hours. I downloaded a few songs from the forums as a guest, then installed the editor on my Mac and created a lead sheet of one of my songs and uploaded that. Shortly afterwards the app began to crash. The first time it just hung, then repeated crashes immediately on start up. I uninstalled lost all of the songs I had loaded and created. Then reinstalled. That worked for a while. But when I re-imported my song and a few from the forum. It started crashing again. Can you help? I love the app but it's no good to me if it won't launch. Thanks.

    Hello Realtimeband,
    sorry for the problems. We need some more information.
    1. Is the app. stable if you do not have your own songs in there or any others? You might have to delete and reinstall to test for us just as it is without any other user songs in it.

    2. Then try with a few tunes from the forum, and test. Then add your song and check again. You can send me your chart via Private Message to me if you like and we can test it. If it was made using the Mac editor it should be fine, but we can have a look at it. (You could also PM me as a Playlist, a collection of forum songs and your own so we can test this combination with iReal book on iPad.)

    3. Downloading as a guest should be fine with the songs uploaded to our forum.

    4. Also make sure you are backing up your own songs. If you are using the Mac editor you can save them to your Mac - they have the extension as .irb and you treat them as normal Mac files. (These .irb files cannot be sent directly to iReal book on your iPad, you still have to use the Playlist to Device function within the Mac editor.)

    Keep us informed of anything you find out or ask us questions here so we can work out what is happening.

  3. #3


    Ok after three reinstalls and testing various changes. It seems that the crashes occur when I upload songs created with the iReal Book editing software on my Mac. Songs uploaded from your web site work fine (so far) but I have yet to achieve any stability after I have uploaded a sone created with your editing software. I will let you know if I can prove this false. Thanks. Realtimeband

  4. #4


    How can I send you a copy of the playlist with my original song for you to test? thanks.

  5. #5


    Well looks like my theory was wrong. It's crashing again even without my original song.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by realtimeband View Post
    Well looks like my theory was wrong. It's crashing again even without my original song.
    1. Send it to me anyway if you like. From Mac editor>Playlist to Forums. When forums open, log in. Click on User CP (top left)>Control panel>Private messages>Send new message. Address to dflat. In the body of the email message right-click (control-click) and paste. This will be the code of the tune. However it is unlikely any forum tune or your own ones would cause the crashing... you sending us your tune is just for checking our code is intact and there was nothing spurious in it causing the problem.

    2. Try turning your iPad off completely for a couple of minutes (not sleep, but completely off.) If it still crashes, reinstall and before you open it, turn iPad off again to reboot it. Then test.

    3. We also need to know when it is crashing - you mentioned at launch time. Is this always the case?
    If not, we need to know what you are doing during using it that makes it crash. This is... making a playlist, just viewing songs, editing - what you are doing etc.
    Or if it starts to crash on launching, it would be helpful if you remember what you were doing on it just before this - at the last few minutes you were using it last .... it could be some action you did just before you closed it is causing the next launching to crash (it remembers things when you close down.)

    4. Also what you have been doing on it ... just viewing songs, making a playlist, editing a song, making new songs etc. Your procedures might be a little different than we anticipated when doing things so this could help isolate the problem.

    Hopefully we will be able to work out what is happening. Sorry about all this.

  7. #7

    Default Thanks

    I am really grateful fornthebexcellent support from your staff. The crashing has stopped. I'm not exactly sure why. But I got a direct email from Massimo this morning and sent I sent a reply with a copy of the playlist and other observations. Hopfully the information will help detirmine if it is a bug.

    There have been no crashes today even with my original songs uploaded. I am thinking the problem may have been the iPad OS or an app conflict. I will let you know if the problem returns.

    Thanks again!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by realtimeband View Post
    The crashing has stopped...
    I am thinking the problem may have been the iPad OS or an app conflict. I will let you know if the problem returns.
    This is good news! Post an update soon (if you like) to let us know how it is going. Thanks.

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