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Thread: Feature requests

  1. #361
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    First of all to the I Real Pro team, congratulations on developing an amazing piece of software! I Real Pro has revolutionized my practicing, teaching, and performing. I absolutely adore this program.

    As for improvements, I would love to see three things:

    1. Please add 8th notes. This would improve the software's compositional capabilities ten fold. I use I Real Pro for my private guitar lessons all the time, and I can't tell you how often I wish it had the ability to play 8th notes, especially when creating simple pentatonic groves.

    2. Please add Roman Numerals a.k.a the Nashville Numbering System. There are so many things I love about the program, that I don't know where to start, but this is honestly the one decision perplexing my. Why did the I Real Pro team opt for the Arabic numbering system? I'm a music school graduate, a gigging musician, and a professional teacher, and I've never seen anyone use the Arabic numbering system on charts.

    3. Please add punk, hard rock, and metal. I can't even imagine how guitar teachers around the country would flip to have this feature. Most young guitar students want to learn simple songs by Green Day, Eric Clapton, or Black Sabbath. I love the Rock style, but it doesn't really suffice for punk, hard rock, or metal. If you added these simple styles to the app's sonic palate, I Real Pro would suddenly become a must need tool for guitar teacher's around the globe!

    Best wishes! And thank you very much for this wonderful application. And more than anything else, keep up the good work folks at I Real Pro!
    Last edited by bparham79; 02-02-2014 at 05:40 PM.

  2. #362
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by bparham79 View Post
    First of all to the I Real Pro team, congratulations on developing an amazing piece of software! I Real Pro has revolutionized my practicing, teaching, and performing. I absolutely adore this program.
    Thanks for your support and thoughts.
    Quote Originally Posted by bparham79 View Post
    2. Please add Roman Numerals a.k.a the Nashville Numbering System. There are so many things I love about the program, that I don't know where to start, but this is honestly the one decision perplexing my. Why did the I Real Pro team opt for the Arabic numbering system. I'm a music school graduate, a gigging musician, and a professional teacher, and I've never seen anyone use the Arabic numbering system on charts.
    Thanks, we are aware some of our users like yourself would like it converting to roman as well.

    For anyone else interested:
    The Nashville system is taught in a number of schools now:
    and iReal Pro's number system (based on NN) is used by many users. It can also be used with Rousseau's numbered notation for melody in the app called MusicPad (use with either the chord font or numbers):

    Quote Originally Posted by bparham79 View Post
    And more than anything else, keep up the good work folks at I Real Pro!
    Thanks again, we have many plans for the future. We appreciate your comments.
    BTW, we have more styles planned but take time to develop.

  3. #363

    Default Roman Numeral Notation Converter

    This site may be helpful:


  4. #364
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    "Thanks again, we have many plans for the future. We appreciate your comments.
    BTW, we have more styles planned but take time to develop.[/QUOTE]

    Thanks for the quick reply. Much appreciated! BTW, any thoughts on adding 8th notes?

  5. #365
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by bparham79 View Post
    BTW, any thoughts on adding 8th notes?
    We are aware this would enhance playback; it requires some thought, then development. We are not working on this just at the moment, but it is on a list for consideration.

  6. #366
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    By "adding 8th notes," are you guys are talking about putting eight chords in a single measure? If so, can't you achieve the same effect — for Playback purposes, at least — by using twice as many measures played twice as fast? Or is it an eight-to-the-bar appearance on the chart that you're interested in acquiring?

  7. #367
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Good question, I was assuming it was syncopation or defining anticipations (for example '4-and') where you want to force the rhythm on specific sub-beats. For simple anticipations, a small rhythmic marker could be added in song edit which tells the player to anticipate a specific beat, but this would have to be worked out internally. We have also been asked about adding rhythmic notation so the player can play specific rhythms (quarter note triplets, tuplets etc.) but this is a big change to do as well (it may happen in the future).
    We have a long list of possible things to add to iReal Pro but we appreciate your suggestions.

  8. #368
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    It kinda sounds like some folks would like iReal Pro to become more of a notation softwear, i.e., allowing the entry of notes rather just than chord-changes. Something like Finale, for example. But Finale's Playback cannot touch the realism of iReal Pros rhythm section. I find Massimo's bass algorithm to be uncanny, the way it so often sounds so right, with no advance idea as to the tune. Bespeaks of high-level musicianship.

  9. #369
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Maiden Voyage comes to mind, riffs etc. It does not have to have staff notation to be implemented necessarily, just rhythm notation in some kind of form, perhaps ties and so on. Gets complicated very fast. We have not ruled all this out. We make slow and considered progress every update.

  10. #370


    I forget who said it: "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." Was it Ben Franklin? Aristotle?

    There's two kinds of mistakes you can play: The ones you notice, and the ones somebody else might notice.

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