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Thread: Search bar disappears...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Search bar disappears...

    I may be missing something obvious...
    But when I flick between irealb and another app (such as music player or anything else etc)
    Sometimes the search bar at the top of the 'songs' list disappears!

    To get the search option backi have to close the app and reload and there it is.
    Seems to happen after I've searched for a tune and opened it up.

    A fix would be great, or if I'm missing something obvious do tell...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I have been investigating this bug for months but I am still not able to reproduce it reliably, and therefore I haven't been able to fix the issue.
    If you find the exact steps you take to make the search bar disappear please let me know.
    The search continues.

  3. #3


    Looks like I'm a couple years late, but I'm having this problem too. The Search Bar, at the top of the song list in the Songs tab, "disappears". Well, it doesn't really disappear, if I scroll to the top of the list, it is there as usual, but when I release the drag to touch the box, the Search Bar scrolls back off the top of the screen. Tried scrolling, holding and clicking with the other hand, but the box is not active.

    Using a 1st Gen iPad w/ iOS 5.1.1 and iReal Pro 5.0.4

  4. #4


    Whenever that happens (rarely) to me, I "fix" it by turning my device "off", then restarting it.

  5. #5


    Yes, that is how I fix it too, but it is happening more frequently for me and on a gig, the delay for the reboot is a bit troublesome. If I can figure out what events cause it, I'll let you know.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Craig, do you have it in portrait orientation when it occurs (might be irrelevant, just wondering).
    Also how many songs do you have (found in Settings).
    Are all the songs in English? or do you have foreign characters in titles (perhaps listing after letter Z)? or titles starting with numbers?
    If you force quit then tap the app to reopen, does this fix it (without having to reboot)?
    If you rotate it (e.g. portrait ->landscape ->portrait) does this fix it?

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by dflat View Post
    Craig, do you have it in portrait orientation when it occurs (might be irrelevant, just wondering).
    Also how many songs do you have (found in Settings).
    Are all the songs in English? or do you have foreign characters in titles (perhaps listing after letter Z)? or titles starting with numbers?
    If you force quit then tap the app to reopen, does this fix it (without having to reboot)?
    If you rotate it (e.g. portrait ->landscape ->portrait) does this fix it?
    I just saw your post, thanks for the suggestions. I use iRP mostly in portrait view, but use Adobe Reader in landscape view for other charts and frequently switch back and forth during a gig. When I am working with iRP, it is usually in portrait. Haven't noticed any correlation, but will keep this in mind.

    I have 1643 songs.

    All my songs came either from the 1200 Standards playlist from the forum, the Gypsy Jazz playlist from the forum or ones the band members write. I notice the occasional foreign character in song titles in the Gypsy Jazz playlist, So Danco Samba, for instance, but our band would not typically use foreign characters. Lots of the song titles are French, but as far as I know, they were written with global settings set to English. I have five songs that start with numbers, all came from the 1200 Jazz Standards playlist. No songs after those that start with Z.

    I will try rotating and force quit and let you know what happens. Thanks for you interest in getting to the bottom of this.


  8. #8


    Not the Search Bar issue, but I did notice just now that going from portrait to landscape locked up iRP. I could not select songs or navigate. A forced quit fixed this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Craig Bumgarner View Post
    Not the Search Bar issue, but I did notice just now that going from portrait to landscape locked up iRP. I could not select songs or navigate. A forced quit fixed this.
    What kind of device do you have and which iOS?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    11 years later and the problem remains - the search bar disappears for seemingly no reason.


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