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Thread: repeat passes/more than 32 bars

  1. #1

    Default repeat passes/more than 32 bars

    Hey all,

    I am new to this so .. please be kind.

    I would like to know how to make more than 2 passes in a repeated section. Also, Is iReal b capped at 32 bars? I have a song, even though I have multiple repeat sections, that I need more than 32/48 bars.

    Thank you for your help in advance.
    Bassist - Crash The Machine
    Endorsing Artist: Eden Bass Amplification
    Endorsing Artist: MTD Basses/Strings
    Mac Pro/Macbook Pro

  2. #2


    Here's what I have so far...

    argh. cant seem to get the file upload thing to work.
    Bassist - Crash The Machine
    Endorsing Artist: Eden Bass Amplification
    Endorsing Artist: MTD Basses/Strings
    Mac Pro/Macbook Pro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Help pages on the website:
    (read about the Player and how to make a section repeat more than once.)

    Helpful information:
    (including video tutorials)
    Last edited by Starfish; 12-26-2011 at 06:49 PM.

  4. #4


    Thank you.

    I have gotten more than 50% of the song coded but I cant seem to figure out the rest. I will go through the pages and see if I can up load the chart...
    Bassist - Crash The Machine
    Endorsing Artist: Eden Bass Amplification
    Endorsing Artist: MTD Basses/Strings
    Mac Pro/Macbook Pro

  5. #5


    Ok. So I found an ineresting thing today. One chord in a measure, regardless of spaces used, gives you 4 counts.

    4/4 at the beginning...a-11 chord with a bar line next to it...= one complete measure. Cool.

    can't figure out how to paste from the iPad...

    may I upload a pdf?
    Last edited by MrFreeze; 11-24-2011 at 11:40 PM.
    Bassist - Crash The Machine
    Endorsing Artist: Eden Bass Amplification
    Endorsing Artist: MTD Basses/Strings
    Mac Pro/Macbook Pro

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by MrFreeze View Post
    ... Is iReal b capped at 32 bars?
    no. You can have up to 16 bars across a system, however in this case, only one chord per bar. You might be able to use the double-time (jazz swing) style or change the time sig (which might not make sense visually, but create an audio file that works for what you want.) For longer songs, you could export two song audio files and append one to the other in an audio editor.

    Yes a PDF can be uploaded (or jpg or png). To paste in the iPad, press and hold until the Paste button appears.


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