Quote Originally Posted by xxtwighlight View Post
If repeating both an [A] section and [B] section together with repeat bars [: :]
Should double bars which normally begin and end a new section, be changed to single bars ?
For help with a chart post your chart here in iRp format so members can download it and open it in the editor.

The “best” answer for your situation depends on your specific chart.

The player will play a chart with either single or double bars. A rehearsal mark and a double bar alerts the musician to the section change.
Sometimes that may make a difference to them or the music.

You can enclose any number of bars within repeat brackets. The enclosed bars will repeat every time regardless of single/double/Marks.

One thing that a double bar does that a single doesn’t, is cause the player to insert an accent, usually a cymbal crash.

I’ve taken advantage of that feature using a whole system [line) of double bars to effect a dramatic change in the as-played phrase.

A double bar is also necessary to resume the drums after a “Break” (tacet)