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Thread: Born To Be Wild - Mars Bonfire

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Default Born To Be Wild - Mars Bonfire

  2. #2


    Please use correct iRp title format.
    Born To Be Wild (Steppenwolf) - Mars Bonfire
    ............title............(version) - composer(s)

    Composer name(s) are not enclosed in parentheses "( )" in iReal pro.
    Parentheses are used for describing performed-by versions as part of the song title or to clarify an ambiguous title because many different songs can share the same title.

    Presenting a consistent format and style is important. It improves the user experience and reduces confusion when attempting to convey information.

    The iReal pro forums has (for the most part) developed and maintains a consistent look and feel despite of thousands of different contributors. To accomplish that requires everyone's cooperation.

    Thank you for sharing your charts.


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