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Thread: Bird of Beauty - Stevie Wonder

  1. #1

    Default Bird of Beauty - Stevie Wonder

    Bird of Beauty

    I think the orig. is in G.
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 12-10-2015 at 11:06 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Bird of Beauty, Sher music version

    Bird of Beauty - Stevie Wonder

    This one has a bug in it that I couldn't find a way to fix. BIRD OF BEAUTY has an identical second and third ending, so I just did a repeat of the two bars, but it keeps going back to the segne instead of proceeding to the second ending and the second chorus.

    Still, the Sher music versions are definitive, and I think you will find it closer to the original than your version if someone can fix the bug.
    Last edited by GregH3000; 07-06-2019 at 10:22 AM. Reason: noticed another error on the chord chart that I repaired.

  3. #3


    Is this how you intended it to play?

    Bird of Beauty 1 - Stevie Wonder

    I also "squared-up" the chart for neatness.

    Chart Layout Conventions

  4. #4


    No, not quite, but amazing work in making it normal size. Very close! The only problems with your fix are:
    (a) Not enough repeat bars for the G6/9 chord (you have six instead of seven), and
    (b) Second chorus doesn't play, instead the "al fine" kicks too early. The vamp at the bottom should proceed from the chorus repeat.

    What is the general rule when you have three endings, but two and three are identical? Do they have to be on top of each other as in your repair job?

    Thank you very much for taking the time to repair my work; I appreciate your effort as I really love this song and how it sounds on iReal Pro. Any chance you could figure out how to fix this chart completely?

    UPDATE: I just tried fixing it myself after reading the additional info on layout conventions. I fixed the G6/9 problem, but it is still skipping the second chorus and the player skips ahead to the coda instead.
    Last edited by GregH3000; 07-07-2019 at 10:01 AM.

  5. #5


    This plays AABAB Coda. Is that what you want?

    Bird of Beauty 2 - Stevie Wonder

    It's easier for me to understand want you mean if you describe the song's form using the rehearsal mark labels.

    You could also say A1 A2 B A2 B Coda

    Did I guess correctly which G6/9 you meant?

    If you post your "fixed" chart, then someone edits a duplicate of that and so on, future readers will be able to follow the chart's evolution.

    If there's space on the page.....
    It's easier for the eye to read/play when you "stack" the endings. Sometimes there's not enough space.

    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 07-07-2019 at 12:00 PM.

  6. #6


    YOU DID IT!! Yes!! Thank you!!!! It sounds AWESOME.
    I just edited the title and the tempo (used SM in title as you suggested) so I can share.
    Good suggestion on the form abbreviation; I should have thought of that. I will make sure to do that if another problem comes up.
    I liked the way you used the repeat bars for the G6/9 section; I'm going to remember that trick, too! Very cool.
    One last question: Is there a fast and easy way to delete a chart?

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by GregH3000 View Post
    YOU DID IT!! Yes!! Thank you!!!! It sounds AWESOME.
    I just edited the title and the tempo (used SM in title as you suggested) so I can share.
    Good suggestion on the form abbreviation; I should have thought of that. I will make sure to do that if another problem comes up.
    I liked the way you used the repeat bars for the G6/9 section; I'm going to remember that trick, too! Very cool.
    One last question: Is there a fast and easy way to delete a chart?

    Thanks, the reason to code titles with the version is to tell them apart in your library. Remembering which number is which becomes a problem.

    Notice I left a couple of bars after the repeat so the DS instruction would work correctly. If the DS was under the last bar of the repeat, it would jump before the section repeats.

    Delete a chart?
    From your app's library? From a playlist? From The forums? Um, that song you can't seem to get out of your head?
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 07-07-2019 at 03:11 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Bird Of Beauty - Stevie Wonder

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by GregH3000 View Post
    This is the Sher Music version which closely resembles the original recording.
    There's some structure error in that chart (2 bars of G69 missing at the end of the bridge) and also there are no E-7/A or Eb-7/Ab or D9sus chords. It's simply A9 (or A13) and Ab9 (or Ab13). Before going back to G, the bass may play (optional) a D which is the tritone substitute of Ab13. It's certainly not a D9sus!
    Never trust fake books (even the so called "legal" ones). I've noticed many errors in many tunes!

  10. #10


    I respectfully disagree. The Sher Music versions, in my experience of using them for about ten years, is that they are spot on.

    That being said, the reason this chart sounds screwed up is my fault. After reading your post, I found the problem behind what you were saying regarding some of the chords (as well as two other minor mistakes easily repaired); what I did was use an alternate choice chord instead of the primary choices, and tonight, having substituted the primary chords, AND getting the measures properly scored, I think you'll find they do sound better.

    However, now I am back to the original problem that I had when pdxdjazz finally helped me out the first time with this chart; this tune has a second and third ending to the A section which are identical, and on the third chorus, irp keeps repeating the first ending a second time instead of proceeding to the third ending/coda.

    I have tried four or five different ways of attempting to fix this problem and I am stumped again. ARGGGHHHH!!!!!!
    I am going to eat some supper now, and maybe revisit this problem child of mine another day; I am BURNED OUT for today.

    Thank you for taking the time to point out the problems with this chart, CyrilleB.
    Last edited by GregH3000; 07-20-2019 at 09:29 PM. Reason: added correction made to intro


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