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Thread: More "advanced" chord options

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by cabe277 View Post
    I use iRealPro to compose harmonies around my melodies, and since I am a fusion/post-bop/avant-garde composer, I find myself unable to write out the chords I actually want, a lot of the time.
    Perhaps iReal is not the best tool for the OP?
    When composing I too enjoy playing with harmony. One of my favorite sounds is the stacked major 7. Just play a major seven above every note.
    With a triad it's a C triad under a B triad under a Bb under an A etc. As a realtime playable chord though you could play a C^ in the left hand and an Eb-^ in the right . I could see using this as an ending chord with a performance oriented chart. Or even with the "Long Tones" style for avant garde playing.
    I don't think iReal has the ability to be so specific with voicing a chord? It would be cool though

    For jazz however , I think some folks may be confused about the function of a chord chart.
    Remember Jazz is linear not horizontal . It is the scales of the lead counterpointing with the scales of the bass . The chord instrument function is a little more subjective but it's basically to help progress the harmonic motion moving forward.
    For instance in my chart of "ALL OF ME" I use a lot of b97's and b9b13's because those altered notes are what I will most likely play in my solo.
    BUT ...I do not want the piano player to bang down b97's and b9b13's. Instead I just want to make sure he doesn't play any major 9's or 13's.
    I use this chart for playing with real musicians.
    All Of Me Bob - Gerald Marks
    and this chart for practicing with the play along feature of iReal.
    All Of Me------ Bob - Gerald Marks
    To my ears the chart with the b9's and b13's sounds awful.
    What do you all think ?
    Don't post a playlist as the songs in a Realbook if the changes aren't from the book.
    If you do transcribe changes from a book put it in the title RB1, RB2, GGB, Sher, etc

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Another chord type missing in iRealPro is the diminished Major 7th : 1, b3, b5, 7.
    Commonly used in Brazilian music, flamenco, jazz, fusion.
    It's basically a dominant b9 chord, but with the root on the top and b9 at the bottom (b9, 3, 5, 1) without the 7th.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Default Xmajor7

    By the way: major7 is abbreviated by the Delta Symbol. If there is a 7 behind it this is confusing, because I automatically play the 7.

    Quote Originally Posted by CyrilleB View Post
    C-∆7♭5 for instance is actually a B/C (B triad over C bass). This kind of chord can be played without any problem with iRealPro
    About the other one X-∆13, I don't think iRealPro can play it exactly.
    Using slash chords gives lots of options.
    Rather than having a chord library that display all possible combination of chords (possible few thousands!), it would make more sense to have basic chord structures to create all type of chords using slash chords.
    I've mentioned in previous posts a few basic chord structures that are missing in iRealPro. With those ones added, a lot of new chords could be created without any problem using slash chords.
    For ex:
    1) C(b5) which includes the notes C, E and Gb (without the 7th)
    2) C-(add9) which includes the notes C, Eb, G, D (without the 7th)
    3) Csus(add3) which includes the notes C, F, E, G (without the 7th)
    (That chord played with A on the bass Csus(add3)/A can creates a real minor 7th flat 6 chord (FMaj7/A doesn't sound the same with iRealPro). A bunch of other chords could be created as well when using other notes on the bass.
    If the developers could add those three chord types, that could considerably expand the chord choices!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Yes, I agree. The Delta sign means Major 7. But some chord symbols in the iRealPro library include (unnecessarily) the "7" (such as C∆7#11). I'd rather just have C∆#11 to save space

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2019

    Default Getting more and more frustrated about missing chords...

    I am pretty new to iReal Pro (Android and iOS) and have not been active on this forum much as of yet, but so far I see many basic chords that are often used in jazz missing in the app, which is a bit disappointing to me.

    My question is: is the chord list being updated still in new app versions? How often are the updates released? Are the new chords requests being listened by the app authors, in other words: is it worth submitting them here on the forum?

    Thanks in advance for you advise.


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by CyrilleB View Post
    C-∆7♭5 for instance is actually a B/C (B triad over C bass).
    C-∆7♭5 does not equal to B/C. The former has E but the latter Eb in it.
    Besides, what if I want to place C-∆7♭5 over B, for example, to get a nice Phryg cord?

  7. #17
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    Mar 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by mwoy View Post
    C-∆7♭5 does not equal to B/C. The former has E but the latter Eb in it.
    Besides, what if I want to place C-∆7♭5 over B, for example, to get a nice Phryg cord?
    "-" (dash) means "minor 3rd", so if you have a C-∆7b5, there's no major third in there, so the chord notes would be C, Eb, Gb, B. The last top 3 notes (Eb, Gb, B or actually D#, F#, B are from a Bmaj triad. This is why C-∆7b5 is equal to B/C
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 12-16-2019 at 04:50 AM. Reason: Added reference quote

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    It seems to me that CdimMaj7 needs to be added to the chord list. (Don't know how to notate with little circle and triangle)

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by raymb1 View Post
    It seems to me that CdimMaj7 needs to be added to the chord list. (Don't know how to notate with little circle and triangle)
    B7/C contains C,Eb,Gb,A,B with your root (C) on the bottom.
    The same notes are included in Co/B, Ebo/B, Gbo/B and Ao/B. But, then the maj.7th (B) would be voiced on the bottom
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 12-19-2019 at 06:46 PM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Missing Chirds?

    Quote Originally Posted by mwoy View Post
    I am pretty new to iReal Pro (Android and iOS) and have not been active on this forum much as of yet, but so far I see many basic chords that are often used in jazz missing in the app, which is a bit disappointing to me.

    My question is: is the chord list being updated still in new app versions? How often are the updates released? Are the new chords requests being listened by the app authors, in other words: is it worth submitting them here on the forum?

    Thanks in advance for you advise.

    Just curious Marek, which basic chords are missing.

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