Quote Originally Posted by engelbach View Post
Thanks, Bob.

Perhaps instead of saying "incorrect" I should have said "not the changes Wayne Shorter plays."

The makers of the old illegal Real Books did take liberties with the changes to a number of songs. There's no way to know if they deliberately did it to be creative, or just made mistakes in transcribing from recordings.

While I don't have specific examples to share with you, I recall thinking that I've noticed artists performing songs they wrote(!) differently (sometimes really differently) on different recordings. (Not to mention in different verses during the same performance)
I sure wouldn't label one as "wrong".

I prefer it when someone claims to present an "accurate transcription" and lists their source.

Ah, jazz...

It's helpful when suggesting corrections to a posted chart that the edited chart is posted.
Easy for the original poster to download, play and compare.
Also, instead of each additional user needing to make the edits, they can simply download the "better" chart (if they trust you...)
(I know do)