dFlat--you're the man. Thank you for these great specifics.

dFlat&Timkeys---I guess what makes me most nervous is the automated accompaniment idea. Like I'm someone who gets hired as a bicyclist and I show up with training wheels.

And you know I'm a bit of a coward and don't like to be "bleeding edge." I know because of iReal's newness, there aren't a lot of role models.

And I know....when I play piano accompanied (I'm not a brilliant player by any means) it's a whole different thing---the left hand way-cool "Bill Evans" chords, great right hand freedom because you're not thinking about left hand pinky bass notes, etc.

I don't get out enough, honestly. Keyboardists are gigging things with computer bass and drums these days?

I suppose if people start saying "WTF dude---can't you play without this BS?" I can shut it off.

Thanks for great tech help, dFlat, and for talking me off the edge, guys!