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Thread: CODA on Playback Issue?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default CODA on Playback Issue - RESOLVED


    Update: removed coda symbol from A section and put D.C. al Coda on first beat of measure instead of 4th beat.

    There seems to be a small problem with playback with CODAS but could be related to 1st and 2nd endings also.
    I've provided a descriptive example.

    Example of 32 bar form AABA

    A |:-----4 bars---(coda)-|
    1st ending *|-----4 bars---:| **
    2nd ending |-----4 bars----|

    B |----8 bars----(D.C. al Coda)--:|

    CODA |----4 bars----||

    Here's the order of playback: step 4 should go to coda
    1. A + 1st ending (8 bars)
    2. A + 2nd ending (8 bars)
    3. B (8 bars)
    4. A (4 bars then incorrectly to beginning)
    5. A (4 bars then correctly to coda)
    6. CODA (4 bars)

    Thank you.
    Last edited by muzika; 06-27-2011 at 10:35 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by muzika View Post
    There seems to be a small problem with playback with CODAS but could be related to 1st and 2nd endings also.
    I've provided a descriptive example....
    hmmm you could post the 'faulty' song (even though you have solved the problem.) We could take a look at it anyway to check our code.
    For anyone else viewing this thread, there is information on how the Player behaves with Codas etc. here under Player.
    Last edited by Starfish; 12-26-2011 at 06:58 PM.

  3. #3


    I've posted on Codas other times. They are a problem with repeats and endings, and the code should be changed to allow correct musical behavior.
    This is a bad example of playback: the song should repeat each section 4 times for ALL choruses, but instead on last one goes directly to Coda.
    I'd like to remind you that "Coda" means "on last play"...

    Please fix Coda "issues" (meaning "please change Coda behavior by changing code...").
    Thanks, best regards

    Last edited by Kalokagathon; 03-06-2012 at 05:44 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Coda issue also in WAV Export

    I have the same Probelm with Coda behaviour. If there is a CODA sign at the end of a measure with repeat brackets, the coda is considered already by the first tunr and not after repeatation.
    The CODA should be normaly played after the repeatation is done.

    I also notices CODA is not considered at all in the WAV file exported.

    I hope there will be an update soon fixing this issues.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Kalokagathon View Post
    I've posted on Codas other times. They are a problem with repeats and endings, and the code should be changed to allow correct musical behavior.
    This is a bad example of playback: the song should repeat each section 4 times for ALL choruses, but instead on last one goes directly to Coda.
    I'd like to remind you that "Coda" means "on last play"...

    Please fix Coda "issues" (meaning "please change Coda behavior by changing code...").
    Thanks, best regards

    Remove the first coda sign, the chart will play as you want.
    VI7-II7-V7-I7 - Exercise

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