i love this app! it has only gotten better since i first downloaded it a few years ago. every single upgrade has made this an extremely light, formidable piece of software and it has made my professional life flourish. probably the only really good reason i have to get an ipad.

i understand there must be at least a few reasons why adding a melody staff would be impossible (mobile size, legal probs with existing copyrighted charts, etc.). however, i find that making chord charts in finale is a pain in the coda and making chord charts in irealbook is incredibly easy!

if only i could export my form and chord notation into a music xml application i could get some serious work done on my mobile hardware. i haven't seen any music xml support questions on the forums... this upgrade would make my irealbook a hardcore taking care of music business machine.

does music xml support chord notation? not sure, but just checking it out.
