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Thread: playlist lacks alpabetical navigator

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default playlist lacks alpabetical navigator

    lately (at least the Jazz 1300) song list appears on my ipad without the alphabetical navigator that allows me to jump to songs beginning with a given letter.
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 12-10-2015 at 07:52 PM.

  2. #2


    Are you looking at the list in the *playlists* section of the app instead of *songs* (your master library index)?

    The fastest way for me to bring up random charts on the fly, is to use the keyword search field at the top of the main song index.
    For example, start typing: p a p... And instantly all of your It's Only A Paper Moon charts list.
    Look for "Green Dolphin Street" in the alpha-list, you won't find it...(ON Green Dolphin Street is the title), likewise, "A Train" etc.

    When you have several different version of a song, keyword search will list them all. Select the first one and quickly swipe through your listed charts to find the one you want.
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 12-11-2014 at 06:39 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    many delete some or all of the forum playlists (not the songs) once they have been imported, then just use the general Song index (and Search) for finding songs as Bob suggested.

    Playlists do not have alphabetical tabs because the song order can be changed (useful for gigs, concerts or practice sessions) although if you want to sort alphabetically (or randomly) there are buttons for this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    To Idecola: I had the same problem in the past. The way to fix the problem is to go to the Multitasking screen and close iReal Pro. Double-click the home button, then swipe left or right to see your open apps; you'll see each app in a small window. Close iReal Pro by dragging the app upwards until it disappears. Then, re-open iReal Pro.

    I regularly close apps in this way when I have many of them open. Having too many apps open slows down your device.

    There are other solutions, so please let us know if this technique works for you.
    Last edited by Keith88; 12-12-2014 at 12:11 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    it just happened again and i did what you recommended...didn't know that all those HOME/HOME apps were still running!!!

    as the IT CROWD says: 'turn it off and then on...'
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith88 View Post
    To Idecola: I had the same problem in the past. The way to fix the problem is to go to the Multitasking screen and close iReal Pro. Double-click the home button, then swipe left or right to see your open apps; you'll see each app in a small window. Close iReal Pro by dragging the app upwards until it disappears. Then, re-open iReal Pro.

    I regularly close apps in this way when I have many of them open. Having too many apps open slows down your device.

    There are other solutions, so please let us know if this technique works for you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    no wait, it happened again...irealpro > playlists > playlists (to see all playlists) > select another playlist than JAZZ 1300 and then select JAZZ 1300 and JAZZ 1300 comes up with numbers before each title and NO alpha navigator to the right of the playlist list.

  7. #7


    When you download a playlist, it is added to your app as a playlist. (Playlists)
    All the songs in that playlist are also automatically added to your app's song library. (Songs)
    Your song library has alpha-locate down the side. Playlists do not.
    (Since playlists can be in non-alphabetical order, an alpha-navigator wouldn't work)

    Using Index Search

    The fastest way for me to bring up random charts on the fly, is to use the keyword search field at the top of the main song index. (Also available at the top of each playlist) (in Android it's the magnifying glass)
    For example, start typing: p a p... And instantly all of your It's Only A Paper Moon charts list.
    Look for "Green Dolphin Street" in the alpha-list, you won't find it...(ON Green Dolphin Street is the title), likewise, "A Train" etc.

    When you have several different version of a song, keyword search will list them all. Select the first one and quickly swipe through your listed charts to find the one you want.

    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 11-01-2016 at 02:14 AM.


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