Quote Originally Posted by MindBridge View Post
> sortable playlists
Not sure what you mean, but you are able to rearrange the order of the playlists in Playlists>Edit, dragging the handle on the right up or down.

Quote Originally Posted by MindBridge View Post
> a remove duplicates feature for songs and playlists. Including the ability to compare differences and merge changes.
If you are importing a playlist and a song already exists in iReal book, it will not be imported. If the title is the same but different chords, it will be imported, re-named (with a -1 or -2 etc.) and that playlist adjusted to point to the renamed song so it still works as you would want it.

You can use the Web editor or Mac editor to merge and edit playlists.
Currently not possible in iReal book (v3.0.1). (Even when implemented it may be still easier to do this with the other editors.)

In Playlists>Edit you can delete any un-needed playlists (does not delete the songs referred to, so if you want to do this, use this Playlist first to find those (user) songs, delete them, then delete the playlist name.)
You cannot delete any library songs. And careful you do not delete any user songs in that playlist that other playlists might still need.

I hope this might help in the meantime.