Quote Originally Posted by nimbleswitch View Post
Jerry, thanks for this! I love what you did here. It was one of my favorite ballads, but I like your treatment even better.

I generally try to avoid using global repeats in iReal Pro except on practice charts. On performance charts, I like to see the whole arrangement in front of me. Just a personal preference of mine.

So, I rewrote your chart using internal repeats, but keeping your full arrangement. I also isolated those lone bass notes of yours, just guessing that you intended that they not be necessarily tied to a chord being played simultaneously. (The only drawback is that an initial error message appears, but that disappears when you just tap OK.) And I added an intro taken from your first A section.

Spring Can Really - Revised 2 - Tommy Wolf

If I had your ear and experience, I'd try this with other ballads. Thanks, again, this is really fun to play.

(Massimo, you are a bass-programming genius.)

Thanks much.

Your version wouldn't play on my iPod or my laptop because of the form error.
