Quote Originally Posted by Keith88 View Post
... It would be great if there were a way for a user to permanently (better: semi-permanently) attach a style and tempo to a chart. In that way, once these are set, they stay set...
I don't know if others have this problem--I suspect I'm not alone in finding that after having carefully selected a style and tempo, one or both get changed and I can't remember exactly what I originally chose. I'd like to hear whether or not other users also have this problem.
Once I know the key of a song for the band or singer, I duplicate, change key in song info so it is their default key, re-title with a suffix for the band ('Rose Room BN' or whatever) and add it to their playlist. Then being a separate playlist, I can restore from its own backup at any time if I think anything has altered and it does not affect any other playlist.
Also, since it is duplicated, I can add text for their performance, tempo or feel they require, rubato, specific intro, form etc. Obviously if you are using the player, you can add the style and BPM in text at the top and check this before play.

I understand your request, thanks for your idea.