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Thread: UX - Count in Roulette

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Thumbs down UX - Count in Roulette

    I use iRealPro every day. I think it’s one of the most useful music learning tools I have ever used. Much respect.

    However, nothing destroys my experience as a musician more than starting a new song and then coming in on the second bar of an “automatically” selected 2 bar count in.

    I only ever want a 1 bar count in. All the time.

    “Auto” is not a clever “feature” it’s just a count-in length randomiser to keep you guessing as to when the song actually starts. And when you get it wrong you curse and have to either start the song again or carry on with a mistake right at the start of your song.

    This is the most jarring UX bug I have ever come across. It throws you right off what you are doing.

    Count in length should default to 1 and be set globally under preferences.

    I will not be billing you for this consultation. ;-)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Tap on the mixer icon, then its settings (cog) icon in that window to set it to 1 measure count instead of auto.
    (Auto is based on the tempo, for example, ballads or fast swing.)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    I understand how it works. I am just suggesting that "auto" is a bad idea. Global control of count in length makes more sense. :-)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    We have a number of options for the count depending on the player, instrument or vocalist. For fast tempos, one measure was not long enough, but ballads, two was too long. Some songs have intros, some people mute the count but need the 'auto time' then rely on the intro before singing or playing, others need time to pick up their instrument before the start. I think the options cover most people's needs.

    Thanks for your comment, I do understand what you are saying.

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