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Thread: MIDI audio vs. data

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default MIDI audio vs. data

    I'm considering purchasing iRealPro for OSX. I see you claim to be able to export MIDI audio files. My understanding of MIDI was that it was data, not audio, although for all I know they've updated MIDI to be able to embed audio as well. What I want to know is can I export MIDI data files from IRealPro OSX and import them into GarageBand so that I can edit individual notes that were exported in the MIDI file?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Yes midi is the note information (etc.) and not audio; and iReal Pro exports what the piano (or guitar etc.) and bass is playing as a midi sequence, then you can change any notes (delete, change timing etc.) as you require. The drum midi track is not very useful because we use our own internal midi mapping system in order to get the different drum sounds we use, so it you would probably want to delete this and perhaps use drum loops in GB instead.

  3. #3

    Default Exported drum parts

    Quote Originally Posted by dflat View Post
    Yes midi is the note information (etc.) and not audio; and iReal Pro exports what the piano (or guitar etc.) and bass is playing as a midi sequence, then you can change any notes (delete, change timing etc.) as you require. The drum midi track is not very useful because we use our own internal midi mapping system in order to get the different drum sounds we use, so it you would probably want to delete this and perhaps use drum loops in GB instead.
    For the past year I have been exporting to GarageBand the midi of iReal's automated accompaniment, and even though iReal's drum mapping is not standard, it's been easy peasy to take each instrument designation and move the midi notes to an appropriate drum in the kit. I really don't want to go auditioning a lot of drum loops (all yearning to be dynamic and unique) when the part I need is one that does not distract.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    @dflat - Thanks for the clarification.
    @Grayforester - Thanks for the suggestion.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Grayforester View Post
    ... it's been easy peasy to take each instrument designation and move the midi notes to an appropriate drum in the kit.
    Yes true. If you know what drummers do (or sound) and know midi, you can re-map the notes. I think for example, we used slightly different sounds for brushes etc. to help it sound more realistic. I am glad you have the drum track working for you.
    For anyone else wanting to do this, but finding it hard, you can slow down the tempo to listen to the drums and get a sense of what sounds are being used so you can map to those sounds in your sequencer. Some should be ok as they are (I seem to remember).


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