Quote Originally Posted by AntonLargiader View Post
Is it also not possible to sync via iTunes?
No. If you make changes on one device, email it to the others then import on each. Only the changed files will import - where you might send a playlist with a bunch of songs, some of which are changed (if they have the same title, a number will append after the title so you know there is a change.) You could delete the changed songs first before they are imported so the title remains the same.

It might be easier to delete all the songs then just import the complete backup or all playlists into the other devices. Test this a few times so you know what to do (backup or send all the playlists and songs before you start the test just in case something goes wrong.)

Note for Android devices: currently Android iReal b (v1.5.3) will delete all songs but restore the exercise songs at the same time. Android can only handle importing about 300 songs maximum in a playlist or backup so you would have to divide up large numbers of songs. (Use the device's Settings>Apps manager to delete all the songs in iReal b.)

We are aware some kind of sync facility would be better and are looking at different options between all the devices.