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Thread: iReal Pro layout conventions

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Coupla Notation Technical Questions

    a) To some, the "delta" triangular chord symbol signifies just a major triad, and you have to write "delta 7" to indicate a maj 7. To others, "delta" already means "maj 7". What's preferred for what, by iRB protocols?

    b) If you have a repeat barline at the beginning of a section and one at the end, is there any customary understanding as to how many times you do this loop-- or are you basically stuck here, like the MTA rider " 'neath the streets of Boston"? And/or, is there any customary way of indicating how many times you do a certain iteration? (I tend to put a "x2" or "x4" etc below the end repeat.)

    c) If, at least as far as chords are concerned, the 1st and 2nd endings have the same structure, do we really need to spell them out separately, per iRB protocols? Or would an indicator like "x2" do the trick and save the space?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    A) Delta is interpreted as Maj 7 so the 7 is not necessary but i use it for clarity

    B) Repeat barlines indicate the standard Repeat once which means it will be played twice. If you need more just add the text x3, x4, x5... below and the player will execute

    C) If the 1st and 2nd ending are the same you don't need them

    Look at the charts in the application. there are many examples of exactly what you're talking about.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Another question re iRB protocols

    Progressions I crib from Band-in-a-Box charts often seem to be pumped to the max with chords that I suspect the original composer did not contemplate. Ditto ones I learn from the local chord-melody banjo floggers. And then there are the ones painstakingly extracted from the audio by old-fashioned ear. Question is, in a progression submitted for the iRB library, how strong is the expectation that it will display all and only the chords of the tune as originally published? A corollary question is, would it be worthwhile/appropriate to attach info as to its origin, to the tune itself (as opp to the e-mail message submitting it) -- e.g. "BIAB" or "l.f." or "o-f-e."

    Sorry if this has already been dealt with-- I've looked but not found it anywhere.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    There are no expectations about the song charts.
    It's an open forum so you can post any version of the song that you like.
    There is currently no specific field to indicate the origins of the particular version but feel free to indicate it in the title or as added text in the chart itself if it so pleases you.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by 5on4 View Post
    ...Question is, in a progression submitted for the iRB library, how strong is the expectation that it will display all and only the chords of the tune as originally published? A corollary question is, would it be worthwhile/appropriate to attach info as to its origin, to the tune itself (as opp to the e-mail message submitting it) -- e.g. "BIAB" or "l.f." or "o-f-e."
    When posting the tune you could add a description in the post so everyone knows where it came from or who's version it is based on or whatever. And because we have beginners to professionals here, we welcome both simple chords and the more sophisticated jazz ones.
    Thanks for the question.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    It would be very useful if you could develop a feature which allows the addition of lyrics.

  7. #17


    Hi - just quickly - how do you play 2 page tunes in sequence -so that the first page does not end but continues on to the 2nd page? Otherwise you have to start the second page once the first page ends?
    Thanks, Dan - any help is appreciated…

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by DanLib View Post
    Hi - just quickly - how do you play 2 page tunes in sequence -so that the first page does not end but continues on to the 2nd page?
    currently the app only plays one page songs.
    ref iOS v4.2.1

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Cool Special Characters and Symbols adapted for ireal b

    Nice thread, thank you, I would like to aport some music symbols I adapted to use with my iReal b for android and that can be used with the iOS and Mac OS versions of ireal b, I didn't tried it with the web editor though.

    The symbols I use are not standard music signs but I found them very useful. I use them as text notes below or over the chords.

    in an earlier post I pasted the wrong files, this is the corrected post

    here are the symbols:


    here are the symbols explained in an ireal b chart:

    Aaa Useful Signs (Gig) (A)

    Here are some examples of the symbols used inside charts:

    Rolling in the deep:

    Rolling In The Deep (Gig)

    Voto Latino:

    Voto Latino (gig)

    Sweet child oh Mine (guns'n roses)

    Sweet Child Oh Mine Pg1 (gig)

    page 2 (this one has some symbols)

    Sweet Child Oh Mine Pg2 (gig)

    you can check out my charts in this thread:

    Thanks for the wonderful App. I enjoy it everyday!

    Luis Moreno
    Last edited by jlmh007; 08-01-2012 at 12:04 PM.

  10. #20

    Default Multiple Repeats & upbeat chords

    Quote Originally Posted by massimobio View Post
    A) Delta is interpreted as Maj 7 so the 7 is not necessary but i use it for clarity

    B) Repeat barlines indicate the standard Repeat once which means it will be played twice. If you need more just add the text x3, x4, x5... below and the player will execute

    C) If the 1st and 2nd ending are the same you don't need them

    Look at the charts in the application. there are many examples of exactly what you're talking about.
    When writing the text x3 or whatever -does one write this under the left side repeat bar or the right side repeat sign?

    How does one write chord changes on the 'and' of the beat? Or on the upbeat? If you will?
    Thanks Dan


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