My piece has an A, B, and C section. A is the refrain, B is the verse and C is the bridge. I want the form to be ABABCABA and at the very last A I need a 1 bar coda that resolves it, because normally the refrain leads to the next verse. So I put a repeat on |:AB:| then at the end of C I did DC al coda, and the "to coda" at the end of A. Obviously that only goes back and does A and ends. Is there some slick elegant way I could set up this form the way I want it without repeating any code? It's just that some songs are long and if you repeat code you blow the length limit. On this particular song I can repeat if I need to, but I'd rather not need to. i.e. I would like a general solution that works for longer pieces. Thanks for reading, and double thanks if you know the answer! and Happy Independence day to everyone in the USA!