Quote Originally Posted by Lyle View Post
I've got a little different need now. I'd like to use the Player to make a backing track, then play around with recording melody and harmony vocals on top of it, just for learning. I've got a simple, external Tascam multi-track recorder, but it seems like I should be able to do to all I need on the iPad alone.

I don't really need to use AudioBus, but I do have it. Don't need any particular output format, playback from the recording app is fine. Looks like I've already purchased "Multitrak DAW" and "TwistedWave", and I probably have GarageBand laying around. But there must be a zillion recording apps available . Any advice as to which recording app to try, or how to connect it to the player? Interestingly, a search of posts with "recording" in the title doesn't turn up that much.

Hello Lyle,
- Twisted Wave is not a multi-track recorder I don't think. It looks like it is good for trimming, adding a few simple effects, editing etc. on the stereo track.
- If you are used to a computer DAW, Multitrack DAW would be similar and seems to have many useful effects from what I can see (I have not used it).
- Garageband is a little less capable in some ways (less effects, no compressor nor limiter etc.) but easy to use and not complicated. You can also add other tracks using some of the smart instruments if you want to add other instruments for the backing.

To get audio from iReal Pro to GB, I use the app, AudioShare to 'copy' (Open with) then Paste into a GB track. (Currently you cannot paste directly into GB from iReal Pro). I find this quicker and easier than either using IAA (inter-app audio) or AudioBus on a GB track and recording iReal Pro. (You might find you can Open with MultiTrack DAW directly from iReal Pro; if not, you might be able to use Paste if you go through AudioShare if you want to get it but there might be other ways to get the audio in - emailing it back to yourself should work anyway.)

For vocals, you might want to use a real microphone because the small microphone in the iPad is not designed for vocal recording (although it will work somewhat - see Bob's post for his link).
There is a compatible microphone page for Multitrack DAW although it looks a little out of date. Both the above should work with GB, but you can do some research if you want to go this way.

or if you already have a mic, an interface like this, for instance:
might work. Again, check it is compatible with your recording app. I think I have used this successfully with GB and a few other recording apps.

For vocal recording, using a compressor effect on the vocal tracks would normally be used, so check you can do this with your recording app (if this is important to you - or it might become important as you develop your recording techniques).

Personally I would prefer using the iPad for recording instead of your Tascam. You can see the waveforms visually for editing, moving, splitting, cutting, paste etc. if you want to try out ideas. Also the screen is larger for viewing your arrangement, punch in and out, reviewing a section etc.

I have used Auria recording app in the past; it is quite full featured and expensive and might not suitable for the simple tasks you wish to do with your vocal recording.

Hopefully something here helps you