So the original poster is correct, there are a lot of song up here that are just flat out wrong, not kinda wrong, not sorta wrong, like utterly and completely just not accurate to any version of the song that anyone has recorded ever. It is just what the person submitting the chart thinks is the song, and unfortunately, they are not accurate. So be aware, yes, that does happen up here. Part of the deal.

And really, there should not be anyone posting an incorrect version of a popular tune, because there are very reliable sources to get the chords in 2014. You don't have to wonder what the chord changes or the form is to a Michael Jackson, Al Green, Marvin Gaye, Carlos Santana, etc. etc. etc. anyone whose songs we know basically, because all of their material has been transcribed and published hundreds of times in different places, very accurately and right off the record. Also fake books like the ones from Sher Music have hundreds of jazz, r/b, funk and pop songs that have been transcribed off the original recordings and are very, very accurate.

If you are posting a song and there are versions of it out there in the world from other sources (published sheet music, fake books, transcriptions) check your work, posting a chart that is wrong is not helpful or useful and there are tons of sources that have accurate information available.