After reading through some of the threads on this forum it became clear that many users would like to be able to make their own styles for the app. I understand that incorporating a style editor into the app would entail a lot of work so I was wondering if their could be another approach.

Presumably styles are created in the iReal Lab as midi files using one of the well known DAWs and then assembled for the app using some kind of proprietry software. (??)

If this is so, how about making style creation a bit more open source and letting those who would like to participate in the development of this great app submit their own styles as source material in the form of midi file packs which could then be tweaked/perfected (if necessary) by the iReal team before being converted to iReal format and made available as either paid or free in-app purchases.

I imagine their are a lot of talented musicians using this app and feel sure that some of them would have the necessary skills to create very high quality styles given the opportunity. As long as their was some kind of quality control I think this could only help the app to grow in popularity and would mean more Euros for you guys!

What are your thoughts on this idea?