I second this very very much!!!!

Especially the "which playlist does this tune appear in?" function.

Quote Originally Posted by Keith88 View Post
This topic has been written about before but I wanted to submit my request because the topic has become important to me. I have started to gig again (solo piano) and am using iReal Pro with about half of the tunes I play. For each gig, I prepare a playlist. I also have lists of tunes to choose from. Thus, I am beginning to have many playlists, which contain some of the same songs from list to list. I now find that there is little facility to edit, merge, and compare playlists within iReal Pro. I have partially solved the problem by using the Share feature to e-mail each playlist to my computer, saving the attached playlist to a file, and printing the file with a pdf printer driver to create pdfs of a list of the titles within each playlist. OK--so now I can more easily compare what's in each playlist, but I still can't merge the playlists. Nor can I go to a song title and find out if it is a playlist(s), and which list(s) it is in.

I know this may be a difficult request to fill, but please consider adding augmented playlist management to the program sometime in a future update.