Quote Originally Posted by nimbleswitch View Post
I can edit the double bar line back and forth and this good-play, bad-play switch happens every time.
Quote Originally Posted by nimbleswitch View Post
They appear identical, but No. 1 works correctly, while No. 2 doesn't.
I do realize that there may be other ways of making this particular arrangement play correctly — this is just the one that happened to occur to me as I was making it.
Yes this is a bit odd, but you have not used a closing repeat at the end of the 1st time ending which is what the player is expecting to see. I cannot remember ever seeing a 1st time ending without a closing repeat, they might exist but I am not sure they are very common because generally you can simply use repeats (unless it has a complicated form or nested repeats etc.)
So we did not check the behavior of the location of the double barline for this instance.

Just to make it clear to anyone else following this thread, here is a way to have the form, by changing where the opening repeat and segno are:
(I think this is what you would have done already Jack?)

BBB more correct - Borodin-Forrest-Wright