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Thread: Garage band

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Garage band

    If the piano, drums and bass sounds of iReal were better quality it would be AMAZING. I just downloaded Garage Band for my ipad and the instrument sounds on there are first class.

    Is there anyway to connect these two apps? I would happily pay very good money to upgrade the quality of the instrument sounds for iReal?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Saxandhoney View Post
    If the piano, drums and bass sounds of iReal were better quality....
    We are constrained by sample size to fit in the older devices. You cannot use iReal b playback to trigger the instruments in Garageband.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    What a shame. With the nature of what I do, my act etc, I would pay a great deal of money to have the instrument sounds of garage band on Ireal. Is it possible that you would think about creating an add on feature for people with a device that does have the space to hold the sample sizes? I would be happy to pay a lot of money for this and I'm pretty sure that others would too. Because then it could be used at gigs, as a backing track. At the moment the sounds are great for practice and not (for my act anyway) quite good enough for public performance.

    I feel sure that there are a lot of acts like mine in the UK who regularly use places like, ameritz and karaoke version who would use this app instead. Parismusic music charge £10 PER TRACK but the quality is high. When I make our own tracks, (we are we use real instruments and it works out for me at about £50 per track.

    We use parismusic, ameritz and karaoke version to supplement our act and for special requests. These websites are taking a lot of money. Your app could potentially replace all of these for me and for other people. The value of this to me is extremely high in monetary terms.

    Please could you consider it. What would it cost to create it just for me?
    Last edited by Saxandhoney; 05-02-2011 at 11:52 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Saxandhoney View Post
    ...What would it cost to create it just for me?
    you could contact Massimo directly:
    iReal b>Settings>Email support


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