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Thread: Wonderful! Wonderful! - Sherman Edwards-Ben Raleigh

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Wonderful! Wonderful! - Sherman Edwards-Ben Raleigh

    "Wonderful! Wonderful!" is a 1957 song composed by Sherman Edwards with lyrics by Ben Raleigh. It was a hit single for Johnny Mathis in 1957 and was recorded about the same time as "It's Not For Me To Say," a chord chart for which I recently posted.

    The sheet music for this song is written in 4/4 time, but the song is played "in two" (or better, "in eight"), meaning that the feeling is one-and-two-and-three-and-four-and. There is a bass note played on each beat and a light drum hit on each "and." The song has an atypical AABA structure. The A sections are 16 measures long but the B section is only 4 measures long. However, in order to incorporate the song into existing iReal Pro styles, I had to break each measure in half. Thus, the chord chart has 32-bar A sections and an 8-bar B section. I found that the best style for the chart is Jazz-Ballad Even at 150 bpm, which is close to the original tempo. If we get an "in two" style in the future, the chart may have to be modified.

    The chart itself was originally written by a previous poster. I have corrected a few mistakes, made a few harmony changes of my own, and the split the measures in half.

    This is one of series of Johnny Mathis songs for which I've posted charts. His hits are popular with many of the audiences for which I perform. It was featured on an episode of the old TV series "The X-Files." I hope you enjoy this almost-forgotten song from the 1950s.

    Wonderful! Wonderful! (k ver) - Edwards

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2014



    I remember this tune well from my childhood. I used to do it with a singer in my band, oh, twelve or thirteen years ago. I was thinking about it lately and dug it out of my trunk.

    Imagine my surprise to see that you beat me to it. I must've missed your posting last year.

    Anyhow, here's my Latin-Swing version, with all new changes. Same key as yours.

    Wonderful, Wonderful-Rev JE - Edwards and Raleigh

    Jerry Engelbach
    Pianist • Arranger • Composer
    Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México
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