Quote Originally Posted by nimbleswitch View Post
Bob, what exactly does iRP Playback when you enter a C7alt chiord? Do you happen to know? it appears that an altered 7th could mean a variety of sharped or flatted extensions. I tried to ask this question a month ago on the iOS thread, but no answer. I have played around with it a bit. To me, on Playback C7alt sounds more like C7♭9 ♯ 9 than anything else, but I don't have a great ear.
Invitation as a good tune for the alt chord .
In the original real book version the bridge would /Db-7,,,/Gb7,Gbalt,/B-7,,,etc down whole steps
The version I use is similar but I prefer the more precise sound of /Db-7,,,/Gb7.C7,/B-7
Compare them
Invitation (bobsax ver) - Bronislau Kaper

Also , on most of the other Alt chords I play them with the 3 on the bottom then #5,7 and #9 so it's really a V7#9+ .
I have done a few experiments Not much difference.
Experiment alt vs #9#5 - Me AnU

The thing we all have to keep in mind is to not get too carried away with complex chords.
The scale used depends on the context of the song.

A really good exercise is to play all the scales with a drone note.
This way you really hear the scale.You don't need the piano banging out every note on the keyboard.
Listen to Revels Bolero or Paul Desmond playing without a piano (ex Sacre Blues)

What we really need is a 3 and 7 only option.
Lots of piano players only play the 3 and 7 in the left hand while soloing with the right.