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Thread: Difficulty Downloading iRealPro on PC

  1. #1

    Default Difficulty Downloading iRealPro on PC

    Hi all,

    In this video the user said that he purchased iRealPro from Amazon and using bluestacks and he could then use it on the P.C. I want to do this as well because I don't have an android device.

    I've downloaded bluestacks but when I try to get iRealPro downloaded from Amazon, the instructions tell me I have to download the Amazon Appstore first. Then, a pop-up comes up saying 'Downloading graphics driver'. This jams, and I can't download the device.

    I also emailed the support staff from iRealPro and the lady told me I could download it from GooglePlay, but it doesn’t that I’m able to set up an account to do this unless I have an android device:

    Any help much appreciated,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I probably cannot help you as I have not ever tried this, but if the problem is downloading the Amazon App Store app, contact Amazon and they should be able to help you. They might need to know your PC specs and OS. Also they might be able to offer another way to purchase it without using their app.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by dflat View Post
    I probably cannot help you as I have not ever tried this, but if the problem is downloading the Amazon App Store app, contact Amazon and they should be able to help you. They might need to know your PC specs and OS. Also they might be able to offer another way to purchase it without using their app.
    I think the problem is bluestacks, not the AmazonAppStore, because it is the graphics installer from bluestacks that my computer is trying to install when I try to download the Amazon App Store App...I guess I could try the bluestacks forum as well...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I'm sure Bluestacks will appreciate it if there is a problem with their installer. Let us know if you resolve it and if there are any problems running through the emulation. Thanks!

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by dflat View Post
    I'm sure Bluestacks will appreciate it if there is a problem with their installer. Let us know if you resolve it and if there are any problems running through the emulation. Thanks!
    I've sent an you have any advice for downloading the product via the google app store in the mean time? Thanks

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by AydinHumphries View Post you have any advice for downloading the product via the google app store in the mean time? Thanks
    Once you have Bluestacks installed, I think there is somewhere in there you connect to your google account and it will show previous purchases (or from there the Play store), so I am not sure you need to do anything until Bluestacks is running.
    If you already have an android device, you will already have a google account. Otherwise you could set one up now, however I suppose there is a remote possibility that for some reason Bluestacks might not install? so purchasing android apps just now, may not be a good idea until you have it working.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by dflat View Post
    Once you have Bluestacks installed, I think there is somewhere in there you connect to your google account and it will show previous purchases (or from there the Play store), so I am not sure you need to do anything until Bluestacks is running.
    If you already have an android device, you will already have a google account. Otherwise you could set one up now, however I suppose there is a remote possibility that for some reason Bluestacks might not install? so purchasing android apps just now, may not be a good idea until you have it working.

    Yeah, I have Bluestacks installed the problem is the graphic driver installation thing...I can't seem to set up a google account without an android device though (see link posted in OP)...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by AydinHumphries View Post
    ... the problem is the graphic driver installation thing...I can't seem to set up a google account without an android device though (see link posted in OP)...
    what is the graphic driver related to? Is it related to using the Play store app? Is there any forum with information on why it does not install?

    You could contact BlueStacks also about how to set up a google account with no device, since they would have users that are just running emulation and not have an android device. Also that link you give is on setting up an account with an android device, but is there one about just setting an account up without one? I would have thought a gmail address to make an account would have been all that is required, then set up google wallet or some kind of way to pay which would give you access to the store. Do you need the Play store app or can it work from your browser?

    Sorry I am not much help as we have not looked into this because we do not support it directly (at least not currently).
    Perhaps others here at the forum who use it will post here to help.
    I am still happy to suggest things to you if you post more questions - if I can think of anything useful! I will have another think about it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I wonder if you borrowed a friend's device and used that with your new account just to set it up? I have not investigated how this works (then delete your account from their device. I presume it would still exist as an account.)
    Or just buy a cheap device from ebay to set it up with.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2014



    I also had problem running ireal pro with bluestack, so i download a custom rooted bluestack and that's much butter, fully working with the amazon app and ireal pro

    I suggest you to give it a try (there are several versions of bluestacks that you can download on torrent websites)


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