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Thread: Audio Spluttering

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Audio Spluttering

    Every time I play a song it seems to end in a lot of sputtering and I have to quit the program.

    I love this program a lot and I've really missed being able to use it for the last several weeks.

    I hope a fix is coming.

    Thanks! Eddie

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Hello, do you have any further information on this?
    After you quit the program, does it come back again?
    When does it occur at the end? within the last few measures or the last chorus through or just at the very end?
    Is it just lengthy songs or short ones as well?
    Has it happened since reporting this?
    Are you listening using headphones or its own speakers, or using an audio interface (through the headphone jack) or audio interface using either lightning or 30-pin digital socket at the bottom?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    We have implemented a possible fix in v5.0.5 (iOS).
    This might relate to your problem although we have not heard from you with further information.


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