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Thread: Setting/changing default Language

  1. #1

    Default Setting/changing default Language

    Hey all,

    Me, being the intelligent person I am, made the mistake of buying and installing the French version of iReal Pro on my ipod. Now I could very well take this as a learning opportunity and figure out how to speak french, but I'd rather just change the language if possible. I've looked under settings and all that but I can't seem to find any option to change language. (or I'm just confused because it's in French and it's right in front of me) Does anyone know where can I change iReal Pro's language on an ipod?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Hey Evan,
    You can't change the language inside the app, it automatically detects the settings of your device.
    In your iPod's Settings/General/Language, change it to English and reboot your device.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

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