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Thread: I need some help with the new Android editor

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default I need some help with the new Android editor


    I have Android iRealPro. I originally bought iRealB. I use this app on a Samsung Tablet Galaxy 2.

    iRealPro does not seem to provide any Editor instruction manual as iRealB did. Furthermore, a search among Forum threads with "Editor" key word yields only old iRealb stuff. It is so so frustrating. Here a few points:

    1. So far it is only via trial and error that I managed to use some of the Editor facilities so that they work dynamically (i.e. when doing the right thing when playing back)

    2. The repeat 1. 2. 3. dot not work always correctly

    3. No idea how to use the Coda and Segno symbols available there.

    4. I can see that IN is for Intro to be thus played only once. What exactly are the specifics about sections A, B, C, D, V? For example, what is the difference between choosing the upper case letter A as text, placing it on top of a bar or choosing the existing A symbol for section A?

    5. What are the specifics of the fourth repeat that looks like an inverted L which does not have the numbering (there are 1., 2. and 3. and this fourth one with no number)?

    6. Where is a D.C. that is not only text but that does work dynamically i.e. that is obeyed when playing back. What about D.C. al Segno, etc?

    7. Trying to select a few bars for cutting, pasting, deleting, etc over the touch screen does not work. The behavior of this feature is very buggy.

    .... and so on.

    Ok. For $11 this is a fantastic app and all people I showed it to bought it. This includes many friends and each of my children. For 11 bucks, one cannot expect miracles. But no Instruction manual that explain how to use this bloody editor is a bit much. I have spent hours trying to make sense of this pest within the constraints of 48 bars (for legible score) or 96 (illegible unless one plays country music!!!).

    Thanks for any help here.

    Back onto the Editor trying to get some jazz score working.

    Last edited by clauded; 02-24-2014 at 11:19 PM.

  2. #2


    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 04-28-2017 at 03:24 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Hi BOB,

    This seems what I needed. This said, it still looks like really getting to know the ins and outs of this little Editor is a lot of trial and error. Nevertheless, it is well worth getting into it. In passing, the older Editor associated with iRealb was quite buggy. This new one is much much better in this regard. Does less but what it does, it does it better.

    Cheerio from Down Under

  4. #4


    Clauded wrote re: iReal pro editor:
    >Does less but what it does, it does it better

    As far as I know the current in-app editor does everything previous versions did.
    What haven't you figured out yet?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by clauded View Post
    2. The repeat 1. 2. 3. dot not work always correctly
    It should, are you using the repeat bar lines with them?
    Also, nested repeats will probably not work well (two opening repeats following each other, then two closing ones as you follow the measures along) as the repeats do not know which one to go to.
    If you look at the main forum playlists at the beginning of the threads (e.g.1300 jazz standards) and play the songs with repeats in, you will see that they do play correctly.

    Quote Originally Posted by clauded View Post
    5. What are the specifics of the fourth repeat that looks like an inverted L which does not have the numbering (there are 1., 2. and 3. and this fourth one with no number)?
    It is mainly used for using the chart visually, where you might use text (move it up) for indicating a section beginning or repeat past 3 (but the player will not understand it).

    Quote Originally Posted by clauded View Post
    6. Where is a D.C. that is not only text but that does work dynamically i.e. that is obeyed when playing back. What about D.C. al Segno, etc?
    Play some of the forum songs, they should be responding correctly to DS or DC text indications. A text button is provided in Song edit so you do not need to type in the relevant text for this (and the player will respond to the repeat on playback).

    Quote Originally Posted by clauded View Post
    I have spent hours trying to make sense of this pest within the constraints of 48 bars (for legible score) or 96 (illegible unless one plays country music!!!).
    As you can see from the forum playlists, the software can cope with thousands of songs, many using repeated sections including DS and DC, Codas. But it has limitations if you want it to do more complicated songs with different sectional repeats, nested repeats, more than one coda, too many jumps (DS) to different sections at different repeats and so on. The software runs on iPhone and android phones with small screens as well and currently the player only plays one page as a song so although we could possibly add more measures than 96, it would be too small to see.
    If you are having problems with a specific song, you can post what you have and some of our members might have time to suggest ways to condense what you have or make it more efficient. But you might be trying to do songs that are, for the moment, too complicated for iReal Pro and you might be better to use Sibelius, Finale, Garageband, or DAW software on a computer. Also you might be able to find suitable software on android like a DAW, notation, sequencing, sampling software that could be used instead.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by clauded View Post
    7. Trying to select a few bars for cutting, pasting, deleting, etc over the touch screen does not work. The behavior of this feature is very buggy.
    Long press the beginning of a measure (or at any ‘beat’) and it should select, then tap for the end of the selection. If you need to modify your selection at an end, tap the beat where you want it to be ending.
    Then long press the blue selection line for the menu (copy, cut etc.)
    To paste, long press on a beat for the menu (sometimes I tap first to make sure I have the beat, then long press on it).
    If you need to cancel the blue selection, long press on the blue line for the menu and choose Cancel Selection (otherwise you cannot start a new selection).
    Also if you have a selection in the clipboard but want to make a new selection, you will need to long press (somewhere on the chart, for the menu to Clear Clipboard). Then you should be able to make a new selection.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Thank you all for replies. Very much appreciated. Most issues have been resolved. In passing, yours is a great support system. I am impressed.


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