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Thread: all files corrupt in 2 versions

  1. #1

    Default all files corrupt in 2 versions


    I recently upgraded from 2.0.5 to Pro 5.0.1. Shortly after, all files in all folders of both versions went corrupt (all items misplaced: codas, 2-bar repeats, bar lines). Also, 2.0.5. freezes/crashes right after opening.

    All this is not too long after I was having trouble inputting alternating bars of 6/4 and 4/4.

    I've thought of deleting one of the two versions, but I don't want to delete the one that I might be able to restore.

    Help! Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Which device are you on? iOS?
    When you say, two versions, do you mean you have both versions on the one device?
    Can you send a backup?
    You could contact us at support with the corrupt files and we can check this.

    If you can send a backup to yourself (although I assume it is corrupted) you could then delete the app and download it again, then import the backup.
    If one device has non-corrupted songs, send a backup from there and use that after reinstalling.
    The problem would be if you have no correct backup saved or in both app versions.

  3. #3


    Hi D,
    I'm on Mac OSX 10.6.8. Both versions of irealb are on that drive. 2.0.5 now freezes after opening, and 5.0.1 displays the contents of all the files incorrectly. Most of my created and edited files were uploaded to the forum here, and I assume they're still okay. But I'm afraid to open up anything that's probably not corrupt for for fear of corrupting that, too. I can send my backups to you, but I didn't see an email address for support.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by wbgorex View Post
    Hi D,
    I'm on Mac OSX 10.6.8. Both versions of irealb are on that drive. 2.0.5 now freezes after opening, and 5.0.1 displays the contents of all the files incorrectly. Most of my created and edited files were uploaded to the forum here, and I assume they're still okay. But I'm afraid to open up anything that's probably not corrupt for for fear of corrupting that, too. I can send my backups to you, but I didn't see an email address for support.
    There is a Contact Us menu at the bottom of the page. As Dflat suggested, please email us the backup so we can check the file. Thank you!

  5. #5


    Hi Niki,

    Sorry, I didn't see a way to attach a file to your "contact us" form.

    I've uploaded to the link at the bottom two folders and one file:
    • Pro 5.01 backup after corruption html (this looks current and would be good to recover if not corrupt)
    • 2.0.5 backup after corruption folder (this also looks current and would be good to recover if not corrupt)
    • 2.0.5 ireal backups before corruption folder (this is pretty old and wouldn't be worth much to recover)

    Please let me know if you're looking for something else.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Hi Bill,

    I could import the first 2 files/playlists, the 3rd one I couldn't but all of those are in the other backup.
    I would recommend you to delete previous versions of the app and reinstall it/import your backups.
    If you need detailed instructions about the complete delete process, email us at support at

    Have a great weekend!

  7. #7


    Hi Niki,
    Thanks for the info.
    So, the first two of my backups looked okay on your end? No corrupt charts with 15 codas signs?
    I understand you're saying I should completely delete all files from both versions (saving my backups), then reinstall 5.0.1 and import either of the two backups I already have (both of which now appear corrupt on my end)?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Hi Bill,
    Yes, they looked ok and I tried on OS X 10.6.8
    Correct, please delete all previous versions of the app(empty trash),restart your computer and reinstall it.

  9. #9


    Hi Niki,
    I deleted all versions, emptied trash, and reinstalled Pro. Your jazz 1300 looks fine as well as the things I've uploaded to the forums and grabbed again. But everything on my own backups still looks corrupt, both on my Mac and a friend's Mac. If those files still look okay on your end, can I get them (assuming you think they won't appear corrupt on my end?

  10. #10


    All's good now; the html backup you sent looks good. Thanks.
    In the future, how can I avoid files going corrupt? Did it happen this time because I installed Pro v501 without deleting v205?
    Is it true that I should limit folder size to 1500 files?


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