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Thread: Thank You iReal pro

  1. #21

    Default Thanksgiving 2019

    The Beat goes on!
    Now more than 145,000 Forum members along with many more "guests" viewing and downloading iReal pro charts all the time.

    iReal pro is all about chart sharing. I am thankful for all who share their charts in the forums. By comparing different versions of the same song I often get new (to me) musical ideas. The iRp player makes it easy.

    I am thankful for the the music teachers, instructors and mentors who have incorporated iReal pro into their programs and practice. Using iReal pro chord charts focuses on "the changes", chord progressions that provide the necessary framework for musical notes/melodies. Reading a melody line note by note will play a song. A single chord progression will play many songs (eg. I, vi, IV, V). There are many helpful posts in the forums that help demystify the secret language musicians use.

    I believe that most folks, most of the time are doing the best they can. I am thankful for our members whose posts are intended to help others in their musical journeys.

    I remain thankful for iReal pro which continues to make my musical life better. I hope you feel the same


  2. #22

    Default Thanksgiving 2020

    Today in the US we again celebrate the annual Thanksgiving holiday.

    As the global COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, I am especially thankful to have iReal pro available as my music partner during this painful time of separation and distancing.

    I also thank iReal pro for allowing me to be of support to the Forums and the mission of this wonderful app, helping musicians of all levels, worldwide to make music and improve their musicianship.

    Music is best when it's a shared experience with others.
    iReal pro makes sharing music and song charts easy!

    In addition to continuously sanitizing all the Forums' door handles and wiping down the midi instruments after each use, my role here has evolved to include:

    Hall monitor
    Traffic cop
    Perpetual student
    iRp Evangelist and more.

    Someone said music is supposed to be FUN.
    I'm happy to report, it is! I believe better days are coming!

    I haven’t seen advertising for iReal pro anywhere....
    We continue to rely entirely on users just like *you* to share this incredible tool with other musicians.
    You do your part, we'll keep doing ours.

    Enjoy a safe, healthy and musical Thanksgiving


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by pdxdjazz View Post
    Today in the US we again celebrate the annual Thanksgiving holiday.

    As the global COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, I am especially thankful to have iReal pro available as my music partner during this painful time of separation and distancing...

    I also thank iReal pro for allowing me to be of support to the Forums and the mission of this wonderful app, helping musicians of all levels, worldwide to make music and improve their musicianship...

    Thank you Bob for your lovely thoughts. We appreciate your dedicated help here at the forum!

    This year has been very difficult for everyone in the world. We have had many contact us, grateful for iReal Pro keeping them company, helping with their practice—and their mental well-being. We have had many previous users of iReal Pro download again to help keep up their fluency and have some fun at the same time while their normal musical lives are on hold.
    Hopefully 2021 will be less restricted and we can venture out into the world again.
    Thank you to all our iReal Pro users for your support,
    - from the iReal Pro team (including Bob!)

  4. #24


    Jamming with Jamulus is taking off and all participants having iRealPro with the standard songs preloaded makes virtual playing together fun.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2017


    My first time on the forum since buying iRp in 2017. Wow a whole world in here. Been so invaluable to me, as I can be in 5 bands at a time with an endless list of tunes. IRp rocks. Hopefully I’ll get time to share a bunch of charts I’ve written that I haven’t found in searches. Cheers from the land of OZ.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Thank You for a great update

    I have to congratulate the whole team on the stellar new update. It’s just looks beautiful and the new layout is fantastic .
    I just now discovered as I added a new playlist that it was put at top of all the lists. I probably have 50+ playlists and it is always been a huge pain to try to drag the list up to the top. That’s the kind of little attention to detail that is so greatly appreciated. Again many many thanks to all the iReal pro crew.
    Don't post a playlist as the songs in a Realbook if the changes aren't from the book.
    If you do transcribe changes from a book put it in the title RB1, RB2, GGB, Sher, etc

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    Default Thank You iReal pro

    Hello! First off, WOW! I’m blown away by the app. This is truly changing my life and opening up a whole new avenue in my songwriting! I am one of those people who has musical ideas constantly rolling around in my head, but unfortunately I do not have the natural ability to play instruments. My music was always trapped in my heart and my head save writing the lyrics down. So THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! This is absolutely a game changer for me.
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 02-18-2021 at 03:10 PM. Reason: Copied from elsewhere

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Default Crio

    iReal memudahkan kita untuk mengulik berbagai macam lagu. Thank you iReal.

    [iReal makes it easy for us to explore various kinds of songs. Thank you iReal.]
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 11-24-2023 at 03:53 AM. Reason: Moved to existing discussion thread, added translation

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Rapha View Post
    iReal memudahkan kita untuk mengulik berbagai macam lagu. Thank you iReal.
    (iReal makes it easy for us to explore various kinds of songs. Thank you iReal.J

    Most everyone here agrees with you!

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Rapha View Post
    iReal memudahkan kita untuk mengulik berbagai macam lagu. Thank you iReal.
    Thank you for your comment!
    If you purchased from the iOS/Mac App Store or Play store, please feel free to post a review about iReal Pro to help others evaluate and understand what iReal Pro can do.

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