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Thread: Thank You iReal pro

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  1. #1

    Default Thank You iReal pro

    Today in the US we celebrate our Thanksgiving holiday. For some, part of the tradition includes sharing with others what makes us thankful.

    I am especially thankful for iReal pro.

    This app has helped me beome a better musician. It has allowed me to play in settings that would not have been previously possible. The positive changes in my playing that came from having thousands of tunes "in my pocket" instantly available in any key has led to un-imagined career opportunities.

    However the app is used, in the "pro" setting for easily shared, highly legible ensemble performance charts, as a back-up band for individual performance, as the the BEST practice tool ever alone in the studio, iReal pro is in my opinion, easily the most important advance in music education in my lifetime.

    I am thankful for the musician who took the time to show the app to me and I hope those I've introduced to the app are thankful as well and continue to share iRealb with others.

    My heartfelt thanks to Massimo, Dflat, Niki and the rest of the iReal pro team for making this possible.

    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 12-27-2015 at 01:22 AM.

  2. #2


    I concur. And let me add my own thanks to Bob and other active members who consistently provide help and lend their experience in this Forum.
    There's two kinds of mistakes you can play: The ones you notice, and the ones somebody else might notice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Thank you for your thoughts, much appreciated by us all. It is nice to hear from you and thanks for all your help here at the forum too.

  4. #4


    This was going to be my first thread in the new Lounge/Off Topic forum. This thread is confirmation of iRp's amazing support.

    [ Congratulations pdxdjazz Moderator )BOB ]

    Whenever users need help here on the forums there's a couple of names always there with advice. Yours is always among them.

    Congratulations on your Moderator status Bob, well and truly deserved. 8-)
    Cheers! Dave... MacBook Pro - OS X 10.10 - Mac iRp v 6.1 - iOS iRp v 6.1

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Thank you!

  6. #6


    A nice interpretation of Thanksgiving...!

    I'm very happy with iRealPro. I use it very often, mostly for practice and working out song progressions. I even had a lot of fun cracking the URL obfuscation code .

    My happiness would go beyond 100% if there were a linux version, or even an Android-intel version so I could run it on my desktop as well.

  7. #7

    Default Thanksgiving Day 2016

    Musicians, all of us.

    We are beginners, wannabes, hobbyists, weekend warriors, amateurs and professionals, full-timers, headliners, Grammy winners, composers and educators.

    Each of us with our own individual talents, interests and preferences.

    Instrumentalists and vocalists alike, we all use the same 12 tones arranged in infinitely varied orders, timings and combinations.

    Our common bond: the chord changes we share that define our lives' sound-tracks.

    I am thankful for the iReal pro app. I use it daily. It has, in no small measure, transformed and improved my musical life.

    On this Thanksgiving Holiday, I am reminded to also be thankful for all of the musicians who have helped me along my path by sharing their songs, musical knowledge and insights.

    The Forums have grown to nearly 100,000 registered members. We live and play music in every corner of our world. At any time, day and night, 24/7 there are always members and guests somewhere using and exploring the Forums.

    We are all in this together.
    Share the joy.

    Happy Thanksgiving,

    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 11-24-2016 at 03:53 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Thank you Bob for all your help in the forum as a musician, as an admin, as a great person who cares for fellow music lovers.

    Thanks to everyone in this wonderful iReal Pro community for sharing their music with each other!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Love the app and I did a write up

    Hey Guys,

    Wanted to let you know i think you're iReal Pro app is great. Really good functionality provided at a fraction of the price it would cost to be able to generate these sorts of accompaniments in any another way.

    I also did a write up of the app on my site which you can see here:

    Keep up the great work guys.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Yes , indeed i thank you all for the hard work in this marvelous musicians tool/guide and for all your help anytime we need it .. God speed ! Paul

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