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Thread: Adding lyrics directly to iReal Pro charts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Adding lyrics directly to iReal Pro charts

    I did searches hoping to find tips about using Text to add lyrics to charts, and pretty much found nothing. So I'm hoping to get some discussion going here. I've been adding lyrics to a couple of dozen tunes, and I keep redoing them because of new things I keep learning in this process. I like to know what those who've already been doing this have learned so I'm not just reinventing the wheel.

    Things I've stumbled on include: raising a text line from the chord line below so as to add a second line of lyrics under the top chord line; using a string of spaces to enable inserting text from a left chord under a chord some distance to its right; and using the composer info line to note the lyricist and the date(s) of composition, as well.

    But the app has some limitations for lyrics that I wish could be improved upon: First, when you've entered a string of lyrics text, you can't get back to the left to edit it with the cursor—you have to erase text all the way back to a more left position and re-enter the text later. (Unless, of course, I'm missing something, which is part of the reason I'm starting this thread.)

    Second, we need to be able to lower lyric lines a few more clicks from their default position so we can enter two lyrics lines under the chord line from the top. And we also need to be able to raise lyric lines several clicks higher than we can now so we can bring lyrics up from a chord line below even when we've dropped the bottom chord line down using the move-down arrow.

    Anyway, any tips that you guys have regarding lyrics entry, I'd sure appreciate hearing about them.
    Last edited by nimbleswitch; 11-13-2013 at 08:23 AM.

  2. #2


    There is some information here:

    Some add text to remind themselves of the first line of each verse, just enough to get them "rolling down the hill".
    Using Text - Example

    Others multi-task using a PDF reader.
    Posting/sharing charts with melody or lyrics on the forums is not allowed.
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 03-11-2018 at 05:36 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Yeah, I won't be posting any lyrics. Although there are lots of websites dedicated to collecting and disseminating lyrics. Don't know how they're getting away with that.

    Sometimes, when there just isn't space for all the lyrics, I do what you indicate and post just the opening words as a cue, or sometimes just the first letter of each word works, too, as in "Y m r t, a k i j a k, a s i j a s." (from the film "Casablanca.")
    Last edited by nimbleswitch; 11-13-2013 at 08:01 AM.

  4. #4


    Cool idea, whatever works...
    It's been talked about since before iRealbook became iReal b (now Pro)

  5. #5


    iReal can run in the background. After a little practice and some getting used to, it's pretty easy to start the Player then quickly open lyrics (or, for that matter, a chart with the melody) from another app. Of course, you won't be able to see both at the same time. But I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a lyrics/melody option to be added. Before that happens you'll probably have the songs memorized anyway...
    There's two kinds of mistakes you can play: The ones you notice, and the ones somebody else might notice.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    No, I'm not looking for a lyrics feature--although it is a bit hard to understand how someone could hassle Massimo about lyrics while many lyrics websites are adding more song lyrics every day.

    But I'm just interested in a bit more versatile text editor, as I described in my opening post in this thread. I'm sure enjoying this app. It's gotta be the No. 1 app for iPhone. What a great concept AND execution. And support people like Nikki are the best.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by nimbleswitch View Post
    ...when you've entered a string of lyrics text, you can't get back to the left to edit it with the cursor—you have to erase text all the way back to a more left position and re-enter the text later...
    You can touch-and-drag to place the cursor without using the backspace key. Fairly sure that's just an inherent characteristic of Apple's iOS keyboard rather than iReal, since it's the same with other apps. I do all my editing with OSX so I'm afraid I can't suggest many tips for iOS.

    But I will drop this onto the iReal back-burner: There have been a few times I would have liked to make text larger (usually with symbols) or smaller. And occasionally the up & down arrows don't let me scroll enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by nimbleswitch View Post
    I'm sure enjoying this app. It's gotta be the No. 1 app for iPhone. What a great concept AND execution. And support people like Nikki are the best.
    Hear, hear!
    There's two kinds of mistakes you can play: The ones you notice, and the ones somebody else might notice.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Thanks, DaleMac-

    I played around with the Copy feature and found that I can get the cursor over to the front of a line of text by double tapping the text (which makes highlight handles appear) and then touching and dragging the left-most handle to the left end of the text or wherever I want it. Then taping on that handle removes the highlight and leaves the cursor right there. Great! That's great to know, thanks again.

    Now if we can get them to gives us a but more up/down scroll leeway with the text lines, we'll have it.

    ANOTHER thing you mentioned was interesting: doing your editing in OSX. You need to have iReal Pro for OSX for that, right? And then can you transfer iReal Pro charts between your Mac and your iPhone? So you can export the edited file from your Mac to your iPhone iReal Pro app?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by nimbleswitch View Post
    ... get the cursor over to the front of a line of text ...
    Hello Jack, are you trying to get to a specific place/character in the text line in the text box?
    Explaining Dale's procedure in more detail: tap-hold with your finger and a magnifier window should open showing you enlarged text of where your cursor is. Do not lift your finger off, if you slide it left or right you should be able to position the cursor anywhere along the text string (and to the beginning of the text.)
    This is normal iOS behavior and works in email, text notes etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by nimbleswitch View Post
    ...doing your editing in OSX. You need to have iReal Pro for OSX for that, right? And then can you transfer iReal Pro charts between your Mac and your iPhone? So you can export the edited file from your Mac to your iPhone iReal Pro app?
    Yes the files are the same so can be emailed to iReal Pro on any device or Mac. Tapping/clicking them from the email will activate importing of the song or playlist. You should find the Mac version is easy and quick to use for creating, editing song charts and organising playlists.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by nimbleswitch View Post
    ...You need to have iReal Pro for OSX for that, right? And then can you transfer iReal Pro charts between your Mac and your iPhone? So you can export the edited file from your Mac to your iPhone iReal Pro app?
    Yes. I fumbled around for about a week on my iPod Touch with my big fat fingers before springing for the OSX version. It's infinitely easier and faster to edit (and preview and sort) on my iMac. I can honestly say it's the best twenty bucks I ever spent.
    There's two kinds of mistakes you can play: The ones you notice, and the ones somebody else might notice.


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