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Thread: custom bass line

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default custom bass line

    Can one program in an exact bass line?

  2. #2


    Yes, in a limited way, using "slash" chords ie. Cmaj7/B C9/Bb etc.
    There is also a "blank" chord choice (W) allowing the bass note ie. W/B W/Bb to sound alone.

  3. #3


    That very useful function seems to have been removed from the current version of iReal Pro. Has anyone found it? It looked like a little blue oval on the older versions.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by PatCaseyBass View Post
    That very useful function seems to have been removed from the current version of iReal Pro. Has anyone found it? It looked like a little blue oval on the older versions.
    That feature is still there. It's now located in the “bar-repeat” button menu. That's the key next to the time-sig key.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by pdxdjazz View Post
    (posted in 2013)
    Yes, in a limited way, using "slash" chords ie. Cmaj7/B C9/Bb etc.
    There is also a "blank" chord choice (W) allowing the bass note ie. W/B W/Bb to sound alone.
    This is not exactly true. W/B doesn't allow the bass note to sound alone. It will add the chord from the previous cell or bar on top of it (keyboard and/or guitar).
    The only situation where the bass can sound alone is when there's a N.C. in the cell or bar that precedes the W/B. But this is not very useful because most of the time we use chords, not N.C. before the slash bass note

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