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Thread: New (2011) Feature: Player

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default New (2011) Feature: Player

    Piano, Bass and Drums play-along accompaniments for all the iReal Book songs and properly formatted user songs. (available in iReal Book 3.0 for iOS)

    The basic version of the Player that comes included in iReal Book 3.0 for iOS has one style available: Medium Swing.

    You can purchase additional styles packs In-App.

    The first one available is the Jazz Styles Pack:
    10 Jazz styles for the iReal Book Player: Ballad Swing, Ballad Even, Slow Swing, Medium Swing, Medium Up Swing, Up Tempo Swing, Bossa Nova, Even 8th's, Latin, Afro 12/8.

    More Styles Packs will be available in the future.

    For help and more detailed information visit

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    This is an excellent new feature . Can we have a Waltz 3/4/ ?

  3. #3


    Amazing, completely unexpected, and completely awesome! The drummer reminds me a bit too much of some overly-busy dudes I've worked with in the past, but I just want the bass line, with a bit of drum background, and you just added several hundred songs to my piano single-with-iPod-backing-tracks repertoire.

    As more styles are added, please consider some faster way to select a style than click-for-next. Some of us like to change up ways of playing standards - a hip-hop Green Dolphin Hood, or fast samba Miss Jones, and a fast selector would facilitate that.

    Also, perhaps a last-four or last-8 option for intro (and same for tag ending?) I'm NOT complaining, just looking to what could add value without too much work. Congratulations on a great update!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Bebop24 View Post
    ...Can we have a Waltz 3/4/ ?
    There is waltz in the jazz style. Tap on Styles and select Waltz to find some to try out. (Or did you mean something else?)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by thesoundsmith View Post
    Amazing, completely unexpected, and completely awesome!
    thanks for the feedback. Have fun!
    Quote Originally Posted by thesoundsmith View Post
    The drummer reminds me a bit too much of some overly-busy dudes
    Different styles of the jazz pack have different amounts of sparseness or intensity, so you could find one that is best comping out of all the choices and use tempo to move it to the appropriate speed you need to practice with.

    Quote Originally Posted by thesoundsmith View Post
    As more styles are added, please consider some faster way to select a style than click-for-next. Some of us like to change up ways of playing standards - a hip-hop Green Dolphin Hood, or fast samba Miss Jones, and a fast selector would facilitate that.
    Yes we will be revising things as more styles get added.
    You might find it useful to make a copy of the song and store a different style with that song, then make a practice Playlist with them all in.

    Quote Originally Posted by thesoundsmith View Post
    Also, perhaps a last-four or last-8 option for intro (and same for tag ending?) ...
    It would have taken more time to develop an intro play as you suggest and we wanted to get this out as soon as we could so you could have fun with it. For now, you can make a copy of the song (see above) and add in your intros and endings as you need to just for practice.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Great, I am very happy with the player, great job guys.

    One question, Is there a way to save the tempo to each song (I might be doing something wrong) or I have to change the tempo every time I change the song from 100 to desired.

    Thanks and keep the good work.


  7. #7
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by bassrad View Post
    Is there a way to save the tempo to each song (I might be doing something wrong) or I have to change the tempo every time I change the song from 100 to desired
    No tempo store at the moment, other than changing to a different similar style which has a nearer tempo. We may implement this in the future though (requires integrating with the editors etc.)

    Thanks for feedback.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Great New Feature!

    Just a little nitpick: I do notice that the red measure indicator as the song plays is a bit behind the beat. On fast tunes, it's a full beat behind. Maybe this is something to do with the slower processor on my 3G, or maybe this could be adjusted in a future version?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by MrBassist View Post
    ... I do notice that the red measure indicator as the song plays is a bit behind the beat. On fast tunes, it's a full beat behind. Maybe this is something to do with the slower processor on my 3G, or maybe this could be adjusted in a future version?
    yes we are finding older devices are slower to respond. Will see what we can do. Thanks for your observation.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    The player feature is a game changer. Loving it! No need for Band In A Box or my laptop. You've made a huge contribution to the world of musicians. Thank you! When should we expect the next groups of styles? What will be included?


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