Hi. Thanks for the suggestion, but that's not the problem I'm having. The music doesn't skip or lag, and is not distorted or anything like that.
The problem is that tracks I hear iRealB play on an iPad (and exported from an iPad and played back on a Mac) sound like this:

ie. MUCH better sounding than MIDI.

... whereas any track I play back on my version of iRealb on my Android sounds like this:

ie. VERY MIDI like, very simple, very cheesy. Nothing like the iPad outputs, which sounds much more like real instruments. That's the main problem I have ATM.
To try and see if it sounded the same for exported songs, I exported a Wayne Shorter's Adam's Apple, but I can't for the life of me find where it has saved it on the phone, nor any settings to specify a location. Where does it export WAV files to by default?