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Thread: Chord symbols

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Chord symbols

    Could it be possible in the future to have the option in the chord symbol system to omit some notes out of the chords?
    For example, in jazz fusion, rock, pop genre, there are many chords such as:
    C(omit3) = C,D,G,or
    C7(omit3) = C,G,Bb etc..
    and for minor chords:
    C-9(omit7) = C,Eb,G,D (could also be spelled C-(add9)

    I know that in the app, there are already some options such as C2 or C5, but it's pretty limited, because it only works for basic triads.
    The idea would be to be able to add on any chords something like "omit" or "no" followed by any number the user can insert to remove a specific note from the chord.
    I would suggest a similar idea for adding notes (using the word "add" and let the user type any number that correspond to the note he wish to add)
    Example: Let's say I want to edit the chord C(add4). It's a C triad with a fourth (C,E,F,G) commonly used in rock or pop genre. If I add the number "4", after the word "add" it would automatically add a 4th in the chord. Same principle to remove a note from a chord using the words "omit" or "no".

    Other questions about chords symbols:
    - What's the difference between C with the triangle (C∆) and C with the triangle AND the number "7" (C∆7)?
    The triangle symbol usually means there's a major 7th in the chord, so why the need of having a symbol with both the triangle and the number "7", since the triangle already means a major 7th is added? It's kind of confusing.
    - Same thing about the half diminished symbol (ø). What's the difference between Cø and Cø7?
    Cø usually means C half diminished (C,Eb,Gb,Bb). It already includes a "7th" otherwise it just becomes a diminished chord (C,E,Gb).

    Thanks for your time to read this and looking forward for some new upgrade.
    Great app!

    All the best

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Default question on 3 chord symbols.

    When entering chord name, I punch in the main letter (C , D , etc....)
    Then the next screen shows up with a lot of chord attributes (7, -7, 7sus, etc....)
    Many of them are obvious as they use letters and numbers. But some of them use special symbols.
    Can someone explain me the meaning of these 3 symbols:

    1) the delta symbol
    2) the circle 'o',
    3) the 'o' with a '/' across

    I appreciate incoming help.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by ktnwin2012 View Post
    When entering chord name, I punch in the main letter (C , D , etc....)
    Then the next screen shows up with a lot of chord attributes (7, -7, 7sus, etc....)
    Many of them are obvious as they use letters and numbers. But some of them use special symbols.
    Can someone explain me the meaning of these 3 symbols:

    1) the delta symbol
    2) the circle 'o',
    3) the 'o' with a '/' across

    I appreciate incoming help.
    Δ = major7
    O = diminished
    ø = half-diminished m7b5

    More info:


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2015


    Many thanks, I will try these, Will C majorb7 be displayed as CM7 on?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by ktnwin2012 View Post
    Many thanks, I will try these, Will C major 7 be displayed as CM7 on?
    No, iRp does not use m for minor and M for major.
    While you can choose (in settings) to display minor chords as m or - (Cm7 or C-7),
    (Most prefer ”-" since it seems to use less space in crowded measures)
    Major 7th chords are always written using this symbol Δ.
    CΔ is the same as CΔ7, (the 7 is redundant)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    good day, i have a related question... how would i notate a C minor major 7th?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    good day, would there be something like a glossary for notations of chords? besides a Cminor MAJ7 i am looking for Maj7#11
    not a schooled musician, so i can't really come up with a clever alternative.... :-(

    hope to hear!

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by brouw139 View Post
    good day, i have a related question... how would i notate a C minor major 7th?

    In the editor, you can choose from the menu of available chord qualities (those recognized by the player) after you enter the root note.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by brouw139 View Post
    good day, would there be something like a glossary for notations of chords? besides a Cminor MAJ7 i am looking for Maj7#11
    not a schooled musician, so i can't really come up with a clever alternative.... :-(

    hope to hear!
    The Δ7#11 quality is in the menu

    Notes included in each chord type/quality are listed here:
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 12-18-2018 at 10:07 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by pdxdjazz View Post
    Δ = major7
    O = diminished
    ø = half-diminished m7b5

    More info:


    thank you.
    I'm a bit confused, though.
    What's the difference between ^ and ^7 then?
    I mean, if ^ is maj7 what's ^7?

    thanks in advance.

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