I use iReal-B on Android and with the Web Editor.

I have many songs that I use for rehearsal and study. These songs are written for tools like lilypond, playtab, chordii, and chordbot. I've developed a tool suite to convert these songs between different formats so I can exchange them.

I want to be able to import these songs in iReal-B.

iReal-B supports two import formats: the older irealbook format (straightforward text) and the newer irealb format (obfuscated text). I don't know why the shift to the irealb format was made, since the obfuscation is trivially circumvented, but so be it.

I've extended my tool suite to convert my existing songs into irealbook format, since that's easiest. I can import the converted songs in iReal-B (Android) and the web editor.

My question to the iReal-B developers: Will the older irealbook format continue to be supported in the future? Or do I really have to reverse engineer the obfuscation algorithm so I can produce songs in the official irealb format?