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Thread: O Sambinha - Hugo Fattoruso

  1. #1

    Default O Sambinha - Hugo Fattoruso

    O Sambinha fatto version - Hugo Fattoruso

    On the version in "Brazilian 150" post, it's written in 4/4, but should be in cut time, so I've doubled it up to sound right. The bass player is not playing quarter- notes "1-2-3-4", but half-notes"1-3, 1-3"

    On YouTube live version, it sounds like section A is played an ad-lib number of times as an intro, then B, then solos appear to be just on C.
    This is just a "quick and dirty", I'll investigate further and clean it up as necessary…

    ¡Que vivan los Fatto!

  2. #2

    Default Revision to my first post of "O sambinha Fatto version"

    O Sambinha fatto version - Hugo Fattoruso

    Boy, was I sloppy! This is more accurate…here's a link to a nice version—

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    O Sambinha - Hugo Fatorusso

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